6 Little Tricks That Will Enhance Your Workout

Contributing Author: Magnolia Potter

There are all sorts of reasons for not working out. Maybe you can’t afford a gym membership and don’t know what to do on your own at home. You could be recovering from an injury or illness.

It’s also possible that you workout regularly, but you rarely feel accomplished afterward. Whether you’re starting a new workout regime or amping up your current one, there are small tweaks you can make to see major differences.

1. Create a Compelling Incentive

The problem with working out is that a lot of people talk themselves out of it. Money can be a great incentive, though, especially if you’ll get money for reaching your goals or lose money for not reaching them. The simplest way to do this is to make a bet with someone you trust (and who can afford it).

You can also join an employee workout program, so long as the incentive is strong enough to spur you on – for example, maybe you get a bonus if you’re among the winners.

2. Take Alternative Transportation When You Head Out

Whenever you’re about to head out, think of an alternative way to get there. If you’d usually hop in your car, consider walking or biking. If you’d usually take the bus, walk a bus stop or two away to get in some extra exercise.

One thing that’s a constant in everyone’s life is going places, so if you can make your travel time more fitness-oriented, you’ll end up getting a lot of exercise in each day. The more you bike or walk to your destination, the shorter the distance will feel. At first, half a mile may seem like a long way to go. Eventually, you’ll be walking a mile or more without thinking twice about it.

3. Stretch Before Your Workout

Most people stretch after a workout, if they remember to stretch at all, but you may get more out of your session if you use a foam roller beforehand. The reason this works is that the body has specific points that tear in tiny ways during regular, daily activity.

Then the body repairs those tears, but often in a way that makes the areas knotty and tight. Foam rolling loosens up those areas so that you can move better, which is a definite perk if you’re about to exercise.

4. Drink a Cup of Coffee Pre-Workout

You may think that water should be your go-to drink before a workout (and it should be, because hydration is important), but you can also knock back a cup of coffee along with it. Coffee makes your central nervous system buzz, which can make your workout feel easier and therefore push you harder.

You may even enjoy your workout and keep at it for a little bit longer than the day before. Have an eight-ounce cup of coffee half an hour before your workout so it has time to work through your system — make sure it’s plain, though! 

5. Believe That You Can Fit a Workout into Five Minutes

If you want to start working out more frequently, you’re probably telling yourself you need at least an hour a day, most days a week. This feels overwhelming before you even start, though, and you’re less likely to follow through.

Instead, try five minute workouts – you’ll be surprised at the difference you can make in this tiny sliver of time. This can be as easy as doing squats or lunges when you’re watching TV or doing moves on a balance board as you’re waiting for dinner to cook.

It’s not that five minutes a day will turn you into a fitness model, but feeling your body change after these small workouts will encourage you to make fitness a bigger part of your daily life.

6. Recover From Your Workout With CBD

CBD is still relatively new to the market, so the verdict is still out on just how effective it can be at things like calming anxiety, enhancing fitness, and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

However, there is anecdotal evidence and some research that look promising, so you may feel that it’s worth a shot. While using CBD before your workout may not make it any easier, using it after may help you soothe sore muscles, which can speed up recovery and get you ready for the next workout.

You can also use CBD oil in your recipes as a way to feel happier and less anxious in your day-to-day life.

Right now, there aren’t regulations that clarify how to take CBD, so it’s best to find a recommended, reputable provider with clear directions on the label and to talk to your doctor before you start taking CBD in any form.

Final Thoughts

There really are no shortcuts when it comes to getting healthy, especially if you want to lose weight or gain muscle and sustain it. However, small tweaks can make fitness feel all the more attainable and encourage you to make bigger, long-lasting changes as a result.

Your cornerstone habits may be the small ones that get you up, out, and moving.

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