The Dangers of Obesity in Retirement and How to Stay Active Even if You Don’t Work Out

Article by: Magnolia Potter

The average retirement age in the United States is 62 years old. People retire for different reasons and tend to have different ideas about how they want to spend their time. But, one of the biggest benefits of retirement is enjoying a bit of relaxation after years of work.

Unfortunately, for some seniors, that means becoming more inactive than ever. While rest and relaxation aren’t bad things (let’s face it, you’ve earned it!), it’s important for older individuals to remain healthy and active throughout retirement.

The risks associated with obesity often become worse as you get older. If you don’t put in the effort to keep yourself healthy, you could be opening up the door to a variety of medical issues. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be hard to stay in shape. In fact, it can be fun! You might even find a new hobby or activity you enjoy.

If you’re not sure how to stay active during retirement, don’t worry. Keep reading for a few helpful ideas that can kickstart your fitness journey — no matter your age!

The Risks of Obesity for Seniors

Currently, about 160 million Americans are considered obese or overweight. There are dangers that come with obesity at any age. But, those dangers and risks can increase as you get older. Some health complications that can occur from obesity include:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Sleep apnea
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Kidney disease

Obesity is also linked to certain cancers. For men, erectile dysfunction can also be a problem linked to obesity and diabetes. Obviously, these risk factors aren’t good at any age. But, seniors are already at a greater risk for things like diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and osteoarthritis. Allowing yourself to get overweight only increases those risks. A healthy diet and exercise routine can help you to not only fight back against obesity but can also reduce your risk of developing these health problems in your later life.

You should be able to enjoy your retirement without having to place extra worry on pain and/or illness. While most of these problems aren’t 100% avoidable, staying healthy can help you to reduce your chances of dealing with them.

How to Stay Healthy

You don’t have to start some kind of rigorous fitness routine or completely flip your diet around in order to make positive, healthy changes in your life. It starts with some dietary changes. Your diet should consist of a lot of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. Because it’s important to stay mentally fit as you age, too, include foods that “boost” your brain power.

This includes things like fatty fish, blueberries, broccoli, eggs, and nuts. Thankfully, those are also all foods that can help you to stay in shape!

Unfortunately, it can be harder for some older individuals to stay active. Again, you don’t have to go to an exercise class every day or take up working out if you’ve never done it before. The best thing you can do is to find an activity you enjoy that gets you moving.

Maybe you already have a hobby that allows you to be active, like metal detecting, or gardening. These are great ways to stay in shape while doing something you love. Consider doing more of those things so you can get your heart rate up every day.

If you want to try something new, check out local senior centers or community centers for fitness classes. Or, look at your local gym for things like tennis, water aerobics, and even dance classes! The more you enjoy doing something, the more likely you are to stick with it.

Making Fitness Fun

By making staying active fun, you can create lifestyle changes for yourself that you actually enjoy. It shouldn’t have to be something you dread. There are many benefits to staying active as you get older. It’s often a great way to stay social with others, especially if you join certain classes. It can also improve your mood, help to decrease mental decline, and keep your bones and muscles strong as you age.

A lack of staying engaged in life can lead to things like depression and loneliness, especially for seniors. Even if you’ve never had to worry about an active lifestyle before, it’s never too late to try something new. In fact, it can be more beneficial for you than you might realize! Thankfully, nowadays it’s easier than ever to adopt healthy habits. Do your research to see how a more active lifestyle can benefit you. You can even try a wearable fitness tracker. Many of them are designed not only to help you reach fitness goals but to monitor your overall health.

No matter how you plan on spending your retirement, committing yourself to making healthy choices and staying active will keep you feeling young for years to come. It can also boost your health, and help ward off potentially serious medical issues. Find something you enjoy doing, get out there, and get moving!

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