3 Foods That Help Kidney Health & Function

The Kidneys

Our kidneys are responsible for the majority of vital functions in our bodies, such as maintaining proper water balance and regulating acidity and electrolyte levels. Unfortunately, these organs are also susceptible to a variety of health issues that can affect their function. One of the most common health problems is kidney disease, which will cause several symptoms, including fatigue and an increase in symptoms such as nausea and difficulty concentrating.

Fortunately, there are certain foods that can help protect our kidneys and prevent damage from occurring. Additionally, these foods can also help to improve the function of our kidneys when an existing problem is present.

In this article, we will take a look at three different foods that can promote kidney health and function.

1: Water

The importance of water should never be overlooked, as it plays a huge role in the functioning of our kidneys. Despite the fact that most of us drink water on a daily basis, it is important to make sure that you are drinking enough each day.

It is recommended that we drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day for optimal results.

It is also recommended that we drink water that has a low mineral content, such as water from a well.

2: Fatty foods

The consumption of certain types of fat can be harmful to our kidneys, particularly processed and refined fats. Processed animal fats are said to contribute to kidney disease because they contain toxins that can damage the cells of the kidneys.

The consumption of red meat and fish, which are both high in cholesterol and saturated fats, can increase the risk of kidney disease by contributing to heart health problems. Luckily, there are plenty of other fatty foods we can enjoy that do not pose as much risk when it comes to our health. These include avocados, nuts, avocados, and olive oil.

It is also recommended that we limit our intake of trans fats, as these can contribute to kidney disease.

The only way to ensure that you are consuming the right types of fat is to avoid processed and refined versions of these foods.

3: Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are packed with nutrients such as magnesium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids, but they can be difficult to get enough of in our diet (especially when consumed in excess).

One study showed that women who consumed a handful or two of almonds every day experienced less kidney damage compared to those who did not. Nuts and seeds are also rich in antioxidants, which can help protect us from any damage caused by free radicals.

These three foods were chosen because they were recommended for their ability to protect our kidneys and promote kidney function.

Be sure to try them out for yourself and see how eating these foods can improve your health!

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