5 Best Exercises And Supplements To Control High Blood Pressure

Article by: Sara Lugo

While we talk about intensive, new-age health problems like Cancer, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), Blue light Insomnia, etc. affecting our daily lives, one condition has been ranked as the third most important risk factor for the attributable burden of disease in south Asia by The Global Burden of Disease Study- High Blood Pressure(BP) or Hypertension. An increase in its incidence or better treatment opportunities do not give us a license to undermine its impact or our efforts to curb it.

Our day to day hassles already induce a certain level of stress on our physical and mental health. But, there are things that we can have control on- our action and our reaction to this physical disease.

Here are 5 effective exercises and supplements that we can have an easy access to tackle High BP :

  • Walking

The benefit of this casual activity cannot be overemphasized. With its ability to increase the heart and breathing rates, it is one of the common physical exercises at our disposal. So, maybe next time when we are on a phone call, let us walk the talk.

  • Aerobics/Swimming

Climbing stairs, cycling, structured workouts, water-based exercises can all come under aerobics. It might be a more strenuous activity, with similar strengthening effects on flexibility and endurance. It would be recommended not to overstrain yourself initially. Aim for atleast 30 minutes of aerobic activity for most days of the week after seeking medical consultation.

  • Healthy Eating

Let us unclog our hearts with foods that contain less salt, fat, alcohol and more of protein, vitamins, and fiber. So, leafy greens, red beets, fruits, garlic, and herbs are your best friends now. And, like friends for life, they don’t need to be flavorless or bland. Get creative with them and experiment with your taste buds. Beetroot pancakes, sure! Your heart would already be in a much better place.

  • Natural/Herbal Supplements

For controlling blood pressure you can use nature and herbs based supplements available in the market. But before you need to make sure that supplement has good quality. You must check its ingredients which may vary from Calcium, Magnesium to Glycine, Omega depending on their requirements choose best among them. You can try the Hypercet Blood Pressure Formula to maintain proper blood circulation and a healthy life. It is a  non-addictive, natural herbal remedy formulated by a team of experts in the field of natural medicine.

  • Creative Movement– As individuals, we are all blessed with a unique set of mind and body and so should be the case for our coping mechanisms. It is essential to be mindful about what works for our bodies. While meditation may work for some, dance, hiking, yoga, brisk walk, trysts with nature or any active sports may do the trick for you.

Sweating it out at the gym or taking overpriced medication is not the only way to go. Just an active approach and continuous awareness can count as essential baby steps towards controlling this disease. Check-in with your doctor regularly, listen to your body, and most importantly listen to your heart!

Author Bio:- Sara Lugo is a rabid health and fitness aficionado. She is a fitness enthusiast and sports lover who believes in healthy living. Her inspiration lies in all those things that are healthy and natural. She loves to share her knowledge about health, Hypercet Blood Pressure Formula and its benefits.

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