5 Most Effective Ways To Add Probiotics In Your Diet For Digestion Health

Proper digestion can keep you healthy and fit. Do you know that probiotic foods are good for your digestion? Probiotic foods have good bacteria that help to improve your gut health and overall immunity. Probiotics also help to aid the digestion process of your body. 

It is also responsible for nutrient absorption and helps to cure irritable bowel syndrome. It is important to load your diet with probiotic foods. You can also use Bowtrol colon cleanse to aid your digestion process.

Listed are 5 effective ways to add probiotics to your diet, read on…

1. Have yogurt 

Yogurt is one of the best sources of probiotics and has gut-friendly bacteria. It helps to improve your overall health and improves the digestion function of the body. You can add yogurt in different variations in your diet plan. Use yogurt in different salad dressings and dips. Don’t cook yogurt and have it in natural form. If you heat yogurt, then chances are it can kill the good bacteria. So, have yogurt in the most natural form to aid your digestion. 

2. Add Tempeh in your diet

Tempeh is a fermented soybean product that is rich in source of probiotics. Apart from good bacteria, tempeh has good fiber content and antioxidants. Fiber helps to prevent the problem of constipation. You can add this source of probiotic food at least two times a week in your diet. You can add this to your whole-wheat sandwich. Or, have it with veggies and mushroom. Tempeh helps to boost your immune power apart from improving your overall digestion. 

3. Have probiotic veggies

Probiotics are also found in green veggies. It helps to promote the good gut bacteria. Veggies like asparagus, artichokes, beans, and garlic are also good in the source of probiotics. Include these veggies on a daily basis in your diet plan. You can have these veggies in raw form to get a good source of bacteria. Onions and raw tomatoes are also good in the source of probiotics. Have these veggies in salads or other sautéed meals. 

4. Try having Kimchi 

Not everyone is aware of kimchi and its natural properties. It’s a spiced Korean condiment that is rich in probiotic properties. It’s also rich in healthy bacteria called lactobacilli that helps to aid the digestion of the body. Kimchi is also rich in antioxidant properties. You can add kimchi as a topping in your meals or simply have it with burgers or sandwiches. Kimchi is also good as a tasty topper for tacos. Have it at least once a week for your immune health. 

5. Drink Kefir 

Kefir is a fermented milk drink that is popular for its probiotic properties. In fact, most people have this drink to prevent the problem of irritable bowel syndrome and indigestion. Kefir has similar properties as yogurt. But, as it’s fermented it has more yeast and bacterial properties. You can add kefir to smoothies or drinks. For healthy digestion, you can have kefir as a drink every morning with your breakfast. You will get a good bacterial boost for digestion. 

You can also have Bowtrol colon cleanse for healthy digestion. 

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