6 Tips to Help Your Child Get Adjusted to a Life with Braces


by: Emily Taylor

If your child is already wearing dental braces or is planning to have orthodontic braces for children, then this article is for you.

Your child may feel overwhelmed about living a life with braces. But it is your responsibility as a parent that you provide your child with constant reassurance to help cope with the pain and embarrassment that comes with braces for kids.  

These 5 tips will help you and your child adjust to braces with a calm mind and a confident spirit.  

1. Encourage good oral habits.

Once the braces are fixed, the orthodontist gives a list of instructions that the child needs to follow. These instructions may be simple, but for the child, these instructions may be the hardest thing to follow.

That’s when you pitch in. If your child forgets any of the instruction, for e.g. salt water rinses, make the salt water rinse and give it to your child. You may have to constantly keep reminding your child till it forms a habit.

One of the major changes in a child’s life with braces would be food. They would have to give up the foods that they love – candies, chips, popcorn, caramel and many other hard and chewy foods. Adjusting to this major dietary change can be difficult for the child.

Help your child through this phase. Pack lunches and prepare meals that your child can easily eat with braces.

2. Stay on top of them with their cleaning routine.

Brushing with braces is a lot of work. Your child may have to use special brushes that clean around the brackets and in between the wire and the teeth.

Since it is a time-consuming and a boring process, your child may want to give up on this laborious task. That’s when you come in. Your job is to encourage your child to stick to the brushing process.

This could mean staying on top of them. Stand with them while they brush, make sure that they are following the orthodontist’s instructions and using the new toothbrushes that are prescribed.

3. Stock up on the right types of foods.

Braces are a foreign device in your child’s mouth; so, it’ll take some time for your child to get used to it. Although braces are not painful, they can cause slight discomfort because of the slight pressure they put on the teeth.

That’s the reason why you need to make your child eat soft foods that do not put pressure on the teeth while eating.

Your child with braces needs to eat soft foods like pasta, rice, ice cream, mashed potato or yogurt. Liquid meals like soups and juices are also a good option to keep your child’s energy level up.

Give chilled foods to your child. Ice cream, chilled soups, cold yogurt, and cold water are all great options. The cold foods provide relief from the soreness and discomfort, your child may face.

It makes perfect sense to keep your fridge well-stocked with the right types of foods for your child with braces.

4. Listen to your child when they complain of pain and discomfort.

Helping your child deal with the discomfort due to braces is going to be a big part of your role as a parent. If your child complains of pain, comfort them with a bowl of ice cream or a painkiller. If the pain still persists, you might want to schedule an appointment with the orthodontist.

5. Keep your and your child’s focus on the benefits of braces.

Orthodontic for kids is a long-term commitment. It may easier for an adult to be committed to the treatment, but for children, it may seem like forever. Frustration may set in and make your child miserable. You need to remind your child time and again that braces are worth the long wait because it is a permanent solution for crooked teeth.

6. Patiently listen to their concerns.

Wearing braces may wear down your child’s confidence. You need to be extra cautious and make sure that your child doesn’t break down during the process. Listen to your child’s concerns and issues; find a way to help.

If your child is bullied because of braces, bring it to the attention of the school authorities.

If your child is feeling embarrassed, remind your child that kids getting braces is something normal and that most of the children, either are wearing braces or they will have to wear braces soon.

If you prepare your child to deal with braces, it will be easy for your child to accept and adjust to life with braces. Your kid will then be more receptive to the orthodontist’s instructions and have better chances for a great smile at the end of the orthodontic treatment.

Author Bio:

Emily Taylor found the perfect fit for herself as the Online Marketing Manager at Thurman Orthodontics in Fresno CA as she believes that a great smile does more than just make a person look great – it makes them feel great as well. The power of a smile has always been a mystery to Emily and she loves researching and writing about it. She loves to write about everything to do with a healthy bite and a beautiful smile – whether is it ways to achieve it or the importance of it in the various aspects of life. What brings a big smile on Emily’s face is her family and surfing. She also likes to bake and her children and co-workers call her the cookie fairy! 

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