App Technology Helps You Count Your Calories

Often the fitness journey is riddled with obstacles and hurdles which seem to throw us off of our goal. This of course makes it just a bit more challenging to get to and maintain our ideal body weight. We all know the importance of the right Body Mass Index (BMI).

Dieticians always ask us to think about the amount of calories which we put into our bodies and sometimes this is difficult as we often have to guess the amount of calories in our foods. This is no longer a guessing game, as we have found a FREE App which gives persons an idea of the calorific value of a wide variety of food – even before we taste it.

The App – Goodiescals is now available in the Google play store, Amazon App Store and even Getjar for FREE. If anyone is serious about counting calories then having the Goodiescals App makes sense…

Here is A Good Reason:

The App is FREE!

It is important for persons to base their food intake on a more calculated approach rather than a guessing game. The individual know the amount of calories even before tasting it. This App will also act as a guide – as then those who are following strict dietician or doctor orders know what it feels like to count calories.

This can be the difference between obese and not having the best BMI.

Within the App is the concise listing of food items, for example foods such as wheat or rice, or even juices – drinks and those who want to have a little “nightcap” can go to the App and reference their caloric numbers. Knowing your numbers can make or break you and your fitness journey, furthermore this gives persons within your circle the opportunity to be motivated to join in and also start counting their calories.

The beauty in the Goodiescals is its easy availability as well as its simplicity. Compared to many of the other Apps on the market – it is not complicated to use nor does it come with several terms and conditions which can act as a deterrent.

The rate at which we consume many of our foods presently shows that there is a lack of knowledge sometimes as to the impact of our daily calorie count, even while having our favourite dish. Those with specific taste for Indian cuisine this App will also work just as well.

We often ask persons to think of it this way, if you eat more calories than you need you’ll gain weight, or, if you eat less calories than ideal you will lose weight and be under-weight which still is not good.

This can be solved with technology and downloading this Goodiescals App as a companion. Counting your calories is healthy, and significantly improves your weight loss or gain success. This can then be considered a “Silent Scientific Revolution” for young or old.

The Goodiescal App. may be downloaded for FREE at the Google Play Store or on Amazon Store.

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