Belly Fat And How To Work It Off

Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat

There are many reasons why people gain belly fat. This can be due to some factors such as a lack of exercise, poor diet, stress, or even genetics. Belly fat which can be dishearting can also be a sign that you are unhealthy. We have heard it before but sometimes we forget or prefer not to face it, but, it can be a risk factor for diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, etc.

Losing belly fat does not happen overnight. It takes time, patience, and hard work to get rid of it. Many people try to find various ways to get rid of it, although some of them don’t succeed and end up quitting. If you are serious about losing your belly fat, it is important you do it the right way for you to succeed.

Here are 3 Best Exercises to Burn Belly Fat


Engaging in cardio exercises is one of the most effective ways to reduce your belly fat. Before you move onto other specialized exercises to tone your abdominal muscles, you would first have to shed those layers of fat. Cardio exercises like walking, jogging, running, swimming, cycling, etc are some of the best cardio exercises to burn belly fat.

When done regularly, these activities can heighten your metabolism, which could then help burn your calories, and lead to burning those belly fats.


As the name suggests, High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT is a kind of exercise that requires a short amount of time but a high intense workout followed by short breaks in between sets. HIIT workouts require a huge amount of energy and oxygen, even after the workout is done. As a result, your body is continuously burning calories despite the training being over.

Even with the short amount of time it requires, it allows you to burn your calories longer. This exercise is best for people that find it difficult to fit physical activities into their schedule, since this type of exercise doesn’t take up a lot of your time like in cardio exercises. Although it seems more convenient, you shouldn’t focus on just one type of exercise.

It’s good to combine and mix up your workout routine.


This type of exercise helps you gain muscle mass, and having more muscle mass can help you burn more fat. Weight training also consumes a huge amount of energy since it would require a lot of your strength. This would then boost your metabolism, and help reduce your belly fat.

Just like in HIIT, it also allows us to burn calories even at rest. What’s good about this is that you could replace the fat you burn with muscles.

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