Exercise And Your Mood

Here’s why exercising puts you in a good mood…

We all know that exercising is great for our physical health. But, what about our mental health? These are a few ways exercising can help boost our mood.

Natural Anti-Depressant

Studies show that exercising is just as effective as some anti-depressant medication. When you exercise, your body releases serotonin, a chemical in our brain that regulates mood. Some people like to go outside to exercise too. When out in the sun, our skin absorbs vitamin D. This vitamin has a lot of health benefits like protecting our bodies from osteoporosis and depression.

Studies say that after 16 weeks of regular exercise can help treat depression and anxiety.

Helps You Sleep

Exercising helps your body to regulate sleep patterns. After a while of getting bad sleep, we are usually put in a bad mood. Getting good sleep is great for our brains’ health as well.

Positive Feeling

When exercising, we usually set goals for ourselves. So, when we complete these goals we have a feeling of satisfaction. Exercising also helps to relieve stress too.

Keeps You Social And Out Of The House

Some of us have a tendency to lock ourselves inside our homes. Finding someone to exercise with can help to get you more social. You also don’t have to exercise inside your home either. You can go jogging down your road, garden in your yard, or go to the gym. Sitting inside all day and watching TV can be a mood killer.

Research in Britain shows that just 5 minutes of exercising outside a day, can help you feel better. They refer to it as ‘Green Exercise’.

So how much exercise do we need? Walking for 30 minutes a day can make a huge impact on our mental health. You don’t need to do any intense workouts, basic fitness will do the trick. Being active is great for our mental and physical health.