Exercise Boosting Your Testosterone

3 Exercise to Boost Your Testosterone

Despite what most men may feel and think about themselves, the majority of testosterone is produced in the quadriceps. So think on this for a moment, have you ever seen a man who had big defined biceps, but who also had tiny legs? You will never see any natural lifter or bodybuilder whose arms are huge and legs are small.

Arm strength will always be proportional to leg strength and not the other way around. As your well aware, testosterone is one of the basic building blocks of muscle mass and a requirement for muscle growth.

So what types of exercise movements promote testosterone production?

The best exercises for this are going to be compound leg movements, squats, deadlifts, and lunges. So lets start with the most important of all exercises you will ever do in the gym, the squat.


When a squat is done correctly and with the appropriate amount of weight for the lifter, it is engaging the entire body during the lift. Obviously, your quads are going to be burning the most, but if you are squatting low enough, your hamstrings may burn more than your quads.

This is why squatting the right amount of weight is so important. Often times people will put more weight on the barbell than they should and as a result hardly move down when they squat. This is a waste of time for you and your testosterone is just going to stay where it is.


The deadlift is always going to be the misunderstood kid at the party, but if you’re looking to boost your testosterone you cannot neglect this exercise. Unfortunately this is a exercise that is easy to screw up and I can’t stress this enough, but always, always do warmup reps before you deadlift the desired volume. You may honestly need someone to observe you a few times as you perform the lift.

Doing this improperly can lead to back injuries, but doing this right will train your hamstrings and gluteus muscles, as well as your calves.


Finally, we come to the lunge. You can lunge in a variety of different ways by standing in place or by walking. Although this activates your quads and glutes, this movement is activating different areas of these muscle groups compared to when you were squatting and deadlifting. If you are at the comfort level where you can lunge with a barbell, all these exercises can be done at the squat rack. But if you’re not at the point yet, just grab some dumbbells and keep your arms by your sides.

If you add these three exercise movements to your weekly fitness schedule, you will start to see gains in other areas because your testosterone levels are starting to make gains themselves!