Exercises To Strengthen The Knees

Knees: easy exercises to take care of them

The KNEES are the most important joints in our body. As time goes by, knees wear out due to daily walking, running, high impact exercises and sports injuries that often happen. Knees are cared for by wearing good shoes that adapt to our feet and allow a perfect tread. In addition, a good body posture helps the weight of our body is well distributed and the knees are not damaged. Next, exercises that take care of the KNEES. These take into account the strength, endurance and cardiovascular capacity that the knees must have.

Functional fitness

The activities we do every day can be used to take care of our KNEES. Going up and down stairs is something we do every day. This is a great exercise to strengthen the knees.

Start going up the stairs with one leg and then go down using the other leg. Then do the same thing by switching legs.

Do this exercise respecting your personal pace, as the speed does not matter. Practice this exercise 5 times a week, 10 minutes each time.

As the weeks go by, you will feel your knees getting stronger, and this exercise will make you lose weight.

Exercises that prevent injuries

Before exercising your body must warm up so that your KNEES are not damaged.

Turns: make turns from right to left and vice versa. The knees should be bent and you should place your hands on them to transmit heat.

Balance: keep your balance on one foot. Bend one knee backwards, the other knee should be gently bent. Repeat 8 times with each leg.

Wall: perform squats against a wall. Your feet should be in front of your body. Bend the knee where you are leaning and lift the other one. Perform the squat without changing position.


Stretching is a key part of training as it prevents pain, injury and cramps. Stretching should be done after finishing your workout and should last as long as necessary. Many people avoid stretching believing it is unnecessary but the reality is that stretching enhances the workout.

To keep your KNEES healthy you should stand up, bring your heel back, the toe of the foot should be elevated. The leg should always be straight. Alternate each leg and repeat 12 times. This stretching works the inside of the knee.

Stretch one leg while standing. Vary the position when you feel tension on the outside of the knee. Repeat 10 times with each leg.

Extra care

In addition to exercise, the KNEES are cared for through good nutrition. It is necessary to keep fit throughout life. Overweight and obesity cause the knees to make an extreme effort to move.

Train carefully, adapting to your physical condition. When people are enthusiastic about exercise they tend to overexert themselves. For this reason it is recommended that you use knee pads so that these joints are protected at all times.

If your knees are injured, resume your normal life only when the doctor tells you to. If you return to your normal life too soon, you will only delay your recovery.