Exercising to Improve Your Posture

The Benefits of Exercise in Improving Posture

Typically, when someone decides to finally get in shape, improving their posture isn’t usually a top reason for that decision. But poor posture is a result of poor physical fitness. Ultimately, this can lead to future back problems if not properly addressed when you are more able to work out. Poor posture and back problems are primarily caused by weak abdominal muscles.

So why is that?

Your abs, in terms of physical evolution, only have one major job, and that is supporting your back. However, fat likes to be stored in places where there is little physical exertion, like your stomach. For example, you will never see someone who has fat shoulders but is skinny everywhere else. When fat continues to develop in the stomach region, your center of gravity moves lower to ground.

As a result, you start to hunch over and this becomes a continually circular problem.

Fortunately, the solution is also circular. You do not need to have the coveted six pack abs to have proper posture. There are a great many exercises outside of crunches and planks that workout your abdominal area. A favorite of mine is the front squat. The only difference between this and a regular squat is that the barbell is in front of your neck.

Given that the barbell is out in front, you will not be able to squat what you would normally. But your core will be very much engaged trying to keep your back straight. 

Even when you do bicep curls and shoulder flies, your core is engaged maintaining your current posture. This is especially important if you happen to be very overweight. If you have too much fat on your stomach, doing sit-ups is going to be a waste of time and can actually do damage to your back.

Whether you recognize it or not when you look in the mirror, your posture is going to improve in tandem with your physical fitness. This is because your overall muscular strength has increased and your body requires less energy to keep your back straight.

The expression stand tall is directly related to posture because good posture is a result of confidence. And everyone is more confident when they are physically fit. Your posture sends signals to everyone around you and these psychological cues create strong impressions.

When you stand tall your less likely to assaulted, either phsyically or verbally, plus you are considered more sexy to those around you. And really, isn’t that why everyone wants to get in shape. More confidence. So straighten out your back and stand tall!