How to Improve Thoracic Spine Mobility

Whether you are a lifter or just a weight loss enthusiast, you must improve your thoracic spine mobility to ensure that you tap into the maximum potential of your body. This is not a new technique because it has been performed since time immemorial through therapies like yoga.

The problem is that if you lack thoracic mobility, you are prone to risks that include injury to your neck, shoulders, arms and lower back. The good news is that you can prevent these when you engage in appropriate workouts that improve thoracic mobility. That said, let us focus on how to go about this.

Thoracic Extensions

For this workout, you will need a gym stability ball and a fitness trainer to guide you. However, many people can perform this without any help if they have experience or are not suffering from any spine injury. The main aim is to allow movement across the entire spine.

While lying on the stability ball on your chest, extend the spine as far as possible but do not flex too much. Sometimes, you can make it a combo where a variety of movements are included. This allows the spine to move in different angles.


This is another workout that you can use the next time you visit your gym. A good example that you can try is the standing wide-grip row, which expands thoracic, deltoid and shoulder muscles. This workout works well even for bodybuilders whether they are using steroids from reliable sellers like Valkyrie Online or are just relying on a healthy diet to fire up the body.

Barbell Bench Press

Although this workout is meant to build muscles rather than increase thoracic mobility, it still plays a major part in improving thoracic mobility. As you flex the shoulder muscles and the deltoids, the upper spine becomes more flexible especially when you focus on lower weight ranges with more reps. It is also possible to increase thoracic spine mobility when you use dumbbells instead of a barbell.


Since ancient times, yoga workouts have been used to improve thoracic spine mobility. For many people, this is a therapy to mitigate spine injuries and back pain. Thus, it has to be guided by an expert to achieve its goals in an ideal way. While engaging in yoga moves, you have to be cautious to avoid extending the thoracic spine more than necessary or engaging in moves that will expose the body to any injuries.

Benefits Associated with Thoracic Spine Mobility

If you are an athlete or a weightlifter, you will agree that thoracic spine mobility is very crucial for your success. First, you will keep spine injuries and accidents at bay while back pain will also be a thing of the past. Generally, thoracic spine mobility opens significant opportunities in your fitness endeavors.


From the insights shared above, thoracic spine mobility is something that every fitness enthusiast should focus on. With the workouts that have been shared above and many more that you can find online, it becomes easy to achieve this goal.