Morning Rituals for a Powerful Day: 4 Habits to Set You Up for Success

Article by: Daisy Moss

The morning can sometimes be the difference between a good day and a bad day. While not everyone is an early bird by any means, that’s not to say that you can’t improve your morning mood with just a few changes. Sometimes it’s just the little things that can make a boatload of difference to your life so why shouldn’t you be kind to yourself and do these 5 little things every morning and give yourself the best chance of a good day?

You might be wondering what 5 little things could make such a big difference to your day so without further ado, I will tell you and explain the ins and outs of each.

Wake Up When You Want To

What I mean by this is not hitting the snooze button 10 times and the next minute you are late for work and explaining to your boss that you’d be more productive if you slept till 10 am.

It’s more the notion that for you to be productive, you don’t have to force yourself to be an early worm. This notion is that you are more motivated and basically the best person in the room if you wake up at 5 am, do your workout, make breakfast, shower and make it work on time. That lifestyle isn’t for everyone and this underlying notion that night owls aren’t productive and don’t have a perfect morning routine is a lie.

It’s essentially the same lifestyle, just flipped timings. So what I am trying to say is that forcing yourself to fit into a routine that doesn’t make you feel good just has a worse impact on your mental health over time and can lead to burnout, so I would suggest that the first thing you do is get enough sleep.

Your body deserves the rest it needs and don’t feel guilty about not being part of the 5 am club.

Night Before Is Crucial

This will come in handy for both early and late risers in the morning.

Getting the boring, time-consuming tasks out the way the night before means you can focus on more important things in the morning, such as getting dressed or making yourself breakfast. Preparation the night before might include packing your bag for the gym, picking out your outfit, and other time-consuming tasks that could just lead to a stressful and rushed morning.

Too many tasks in the morning can slow you down and make you feel drained before you’ve left the door. Procrastination is your worst enemy but a good reminder is that your future self would be so appreciative of it.

These little things, like putting together mens full tracksuit the night before and the rest, make things easier for you down the line and are very healthy in the long term.

Stretch and Move Around

Movement is so important for getting the body and mind active first thing in the morning. Even for those night owls, there are things you can do in the morning that help you improve the quality of your life and the day ahead.

It’s one of those things that you might have to force yourself to do in the morning but if you do it long enough, it will become second nature. I would suggest putting on a 10-minute video and doing something, maybe stretches or yoga.

It’s a minimal-effort thing to do but keeping your body moving as much as possible, especially when working from a desk, is crucial for motivation and mental health.

Practice Gratitude and Mindfulness

You want to start each day on a positive note and that means what you think about quite a lot of the time.

It’s key to point out that life can be overwhelming at times but dwelling on these things is not going to make things any easier and 99% of the time it’s over things you cannot control. So learn to let go and continuously think about what you are grateful for. There is so much that we take for granted on a daily basis so ground yourself.

Something I really admire about myself is that no matter how bad things get, I genuinely believe they will work themselves out and things will get better.

Support comes from within first. You need to be optimistic in times when you find yourself going down this whole negative self-talk. It brings down your vibrations but also it just keeps you in this mindset where it’s like ‘woe is me’ all that energy is just going to continue to attract the worst, so positive mindset and remember that there are hundreds of things for you to be grateful for.

About The Author: Daisy Moss, is a yoga loving writer who specialises in women’s health, nutrition, fitness wellness and lifestyle.

She can be found often enjoying a spin class or even making her famous protein brownies.