Increase Quality of Life with Pectus Carinatum Treatment

Pectus carinatum, or pigeon chest, is a condition in which the breastbone protrudes outward. This can cause the person to appear to have a “hump” on their chest. The condition is usually not painful, but it can be uncomfortable and cause the person to feel self-conscious. Keep reading to discover how you can improve the overall quality of life with pectus carinatum treatment.

What Is Pectus Carinatum?

As we mentioned, pectus carinatum is a chest abnormality characterized by a forward protrusion of the sternum. The condition can be mild or severe, affecting one or both sides of the body. Pectus carinatum is usually diagnosed in childhood or adolescence but can occur at any age.

The Condition is Very Common in Children

Pectus carinatum is more common than you think, and studies have shown it affects one in 1,500 people. It’s more frequent in boys than girls and usually evident during puberty. Treatment can improve the appearance of the chest and quality of life.

What Are the Causes of Pectus Carinatum?

Abnormal development of the chest cartilage that connects the ribs is the leading cause of pigeon chest. However, the exact reason for this is still unknown. The abnormality sometimes runs in families, but medical professionals have observed it most in people with genetic conditions such as:

  • Brittle bone disease
  • Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome
  • Chromosomal abnormalities
  • Coffin-Lowery syndrome
  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
  • Homocystinuria
  • Marfan syndrome
  • Morquio syndrome
  • Noonan syndrome

What Are the Symptoms and Signs of Pectus Carinatum?

The most common symptom of pectus carinatum is a visible chest abnormality. It can be more pronounced when the child is standing up or during physical activity, and it may improve when they’re lying down. Pectus carinatum can also cause pain in the chest, a fast heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and feeling tired and short of breath, especially during exercise.

What Are the Treatment Options for Pectus Carinatum?

There is no cure for pectus carinatum, but there are treatments that can improve the appearance of the chest and quality of life. Here’s how to fix pectus carinatum:

Non-Surgical Option

Wearing a custom-made pigeon chest brace is the most common non-surgical treatment for pectus carinatum. The brace applies gentle pressure to the sternum (the T-shaped flat bone in the middle of the chest) and ribs, gradually correcting the abnormality. This is always the recommended option first.

Surgical Option

In severe cases of pectus carinatum, surgery may be necessary to correct the abnormality. The most common surgical procedure is called the Nuss procedure. A steel bar is inserted under the sternum and held with steel wires. The bar is left for two to three years to keep the sternum in its correct position. After the bar is removed, a second surgery may be necessary to remove the wires.

Understanding the Different Types of Braces

There are three different types of chest brace for pectus carinatum:

Pectus Braces

The Pectus Brace is the most common type of brace used to treat pectus carinatum. It applies pressure to the sternum and ribs, gradually correcting the abnormality. Most people wear the Pectus Brace for about 23 hours a day, removing it only for bathing and exercise. Treatment with a Pectus Brace typically takes six to 12 months.

Rib Flare Brace

The Rib Flare Brace treats more severe cases of pectus carinatum. Just like the Pectus Brace, presses the ribs and sternum, continuously correcting the abnormality. Most people wear the Rib Flare Brace for about 23 hours.

Pectus + Rib Flare Brace

The Pectus + Rib Flare Brace is a combination of the Pectus and Rib Flare Braces. It’s used to treat the most severe cases of pectus carinatum. Like the other two braces, this one also applies pressure to the chest area and ribs, correcting the condition evenly. 

Is a Custom Pectus Brace the Right Option for My Child?

When deciding if a custom pectus brace is a suitable option for your child, there are many factors to consider, including:

1. The severity of the condition: Pectus carinatum can range from mild to severe. In most cases, a custom pectus brace will be recommended for children with moderate to severe pectus carinatum.

2. The age of the child: Pectus carinatum is usually diagnosed in childhood. A custom pectus brace may be recommended for children as young as six.

Here’s why a custom pectus carinatum brace is the best option for your child:

Saves You Money and Time in the Long Run

Custom pectus braces are made according to your child’s body scan. This ensures that the brace is comfortable and practical. It also saves you money and time in the long run, as you will not have to keep replacing the brace as your child grows.

A Knock-off Can Do More Damage Than Good

A custom pectus brace is also less likely to cause damage to your child’s condition. Knock-off braces are often made of inferior materials and are not as well-fitting, which can cause the brace to rub and chafe against your child’s chest, doing even more damage to their condition.

Custom Pigeon Chest Braces Are Proven to Work

Custom pectus carinatum braces come with a reputation. Thousands of young people around the country have been successfully treated with custom chest braces.

The Bottom Line

Pectus carinatum treatment can improve the quality of life for those affected by the condition. There are various treatment options available, and the best choice for each individual will vary depending on the severity of their situation and their individual needs. Custom pectus braces are an effective treatment option for many people with pectus carinatum.

At Dakota Brace, we believe that the right fit is crucial to achieving the best possible results. Our braces are custom-designed to be as unique as the young people we build them for. Ready to restore your child’s health and confidence? Visit our website to get your free consultation and 10% off your first order.

Author Bio: This article is brought to you by Dakota Brace, the custom pectus carinatum and rib flare braces company. Dakota Brace is the premier pectus and rib flare bracing company, offering its patented and completely custom braces to patients globally by remote care. All products are designed with, and under the supervision of, a certified clinician, to ensure the best fit and results possible. With the mission and goal of finding a better solution for people struggling with various types of torso abnormalities, we’re proud to be making a difference that lasts a lifetime and we are here to support you every step of the way.