Pre-Workout Snacks

Snacks high in carbs and protein provide energy and keep you full during your workout session.

Some examples which you can consider can include things such as maybe
* A banana with almond butter
* Greek yogurt with berries, or
* A whole-grain bagel with peanut butter.

What Are The Benefits?

Proper pre-workout nutrition is paramount for successful workout sessions. Some benefits of snacking before a workout include:

Prevent Fatigue

During workouts, your energy levels drop, and the muscles get exhausted. However, having some pre-workout snacks gives your body enough fuel for optimal performance. When your body has enough energy to break down, you make every workout count and avoid getting tired quickly.

Increased Performance

 Having a snack before workout supplies your body with the energy you need for peak performance. When exercising, glycogen is converted to glucose. The conversion is vital in muscle contraction.

Eating the correct pre-workout snacks prevents muscle glycogen depletion—Carbs aid in replenishing glycogen storage so they don’t run out.

Reduce Protein Breakdown

Yes, we all do that to gain muscles. We also want to retain those gains too while at it. To achieve this, protein synthesis should exceed protein breakdown. Be sure to fill your pre-workout diet with plenty of protein foods to prevent muscle breakdown into energy.

How long before getting started should you indulge?

Timing is everything. The time you take your pre-workout snack dictates how you’ll feel during the workout. Always have your pre-workout snack at least an hour or two before working out.

 If you intend to workout within an hour of breakfast, go for a light snack, high in carbs. A banana or berries with yogurt will do. Light snacks are digested fast and with ease. This will prevent any stomach upset and boost your energy throughout the exercise.

Portion size also matters. For an effective workout, consume 300-400 nutritious calories an hour before your workout. Go for drinks or a smoothie if you start your workout in less than 60 minutes. Eat snacks with up to 800 calories if the lead time is longer.

Eating a heavy meal right before workouts that require fast movements is discouraged. Heavy meals will not give you the energy boost you require since they aren’t easy to digest. A full stomach may also leave you nauseous and unable to exercise.

What’s The Big Deal?

Working out on an empty stomach can lead to muscle tissue breakdown.

Food fuels your workout. If you fail to take your pre-workout snack, your muscle tissue will be converted to glucose. This isn’t ideal, especially if you are trying to lose weight or build muscles.

Muscle breakdown can aid in injury and affect your metabolism.

Pre-workout snacks are paramount for successful workouts. However, they should be consumed in moderation. For workouts with shorter lead times, go for light snacks like Greek yogurt or a piece of fruit since they are easy to digest. But if you eat two to three hours before exercising, you can have large portions.

Also, don’t forget to hydrate. Take two to three cups of water 2 hours before you start exercising.