Staying Fit While You Are In Quarantine During Covid-19

Staying Fit In Quarantine

Physical activity and relaxation techniques can be valuable tools to help you stay calm and continue to protect your health during the quarantine.

Perhaps the early quarantine days seemed endless, and many wondered how and whether they would be able to withstand the isolation and reduction of their daily habits and activities. Once again, we witness society adjusting to new circumstances. We are adjusting to quarantine and self-isolation, new habits and work from home, socializing via video call, but also physical exercise in our homes. 

Longer isolation can come with physical and mental consequences, but to avoid or minimize them, experts emphasize the importance of maintaining social contacts online. It is equally important to please yourself, be active and busy during the day.

Thanks to technology, it is easier to maintain a healthy spirit in a healthy body, to capture thoughts, to be creative, and proactive.

We may not be able to visit the gym, go to a concert, or picnic with friends, but we can stay active to burn calories, feel better, and be more mentally stable.

On YouTube and numerous training apps, you will find tips and programs to help you organize your daily or weekly activities that will keep you fit and help you feel empowered and confident.

The WHO recommends 150 minutes of high-intensity physical activity or 75 minutes of physical intensity per week or a combination of both. These recommendations can be achieved even at home, without special equipment, and in a limited space.

Take short and active breaks throughout the day. Short series of exercises supplement the weekly recommendations. Dancing, playing with children and doing housework such as cleaning and gardening are just some of the ways to stay active and be forced to stay home.

Also, try to walk as much as possible, even if it is walking around the space.

Exercising regularly gives you energy. Instead of reaching for the second cup of coffee, exercising can help your body’s oxygen flow more freely, and provide you with a much-needed amount of energy which will make you feel good. Exercise can improve your mood, as it stimulates the flow of hormones into the brain that helps you feel happier, and can also ease the effects of depression, ADHD, and anxiety. It can also make you sleep better at night, which is important for maintaining your overall good mood and health.

Whether you plan to lose weight or not, include exercise in your daily schedule during quarantine because you will certainly feel better and more prepared for any challenge.