Tone Your Mid Section with This Exercise

Oblique leg raises: Toning your mid-body area

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Training is a fundamental factor in weight loss and body toning. If you are overweight, the excess fat is clearly visible in the abdomen and waist. If you want to shape that troubled area of your body, the ideal exercise for you is the OBLIQUE LEG RAISES.

This exercise strengthens the abdominal area by building muscle and eliminating excess fat.

The correct way to do oblique leg raises is as follows:

  • Lie on your back on a mat
  • Both legs must be straight
  • The left leg should be stretched out on the mat
  • You should raise your right leg 45 degrees off the floor
  • Stay in that position for a few seconds and lower to the floor
  • Then do the same with the other leg.

Shaping the abdominal area

Oblique leg raises, are the perfect exercise to shape the abdominal area and reduce waist circumference. Your body acquires a slender appearance and your abdominal muscles are strengthened. If you are losing weight through dieting you should do this exercise to tone the middle area of your body.

It is advisable to train for at least three hours a week.

In the last part of the fitness routine you should perform the oblique leg lifts and then relax and stretch all your muscles. You have to do four sets of oblique leg raises, fifteen repetitions each. After two weeks you will be able to see optimal results in your body.

Your Posture

OBLIQUE LEG RAISES must be performed correctly in order to see optimal results on your body. Before starting the exercise you should lie down comfortably on the mat and then acquire the correct posture to do it well. To get in shape you should accompany this exercise with a healthy diet.

Along with the diet inclusion be sure to also do cardio exercises such as walking, jogging or cycling to accelerate weight loss. It is also necessary that you stay hydrated throughout the routine. If you feel unmotivated you can always listen to some music to get you into the groove and feel like training.

Take Away

Oblique leg raises will give excellent aesthetic results if you train regularly. The key is to never interrupt your workout because otherwise your body will never get used to working out. Keep in mind that not only will you look better, but you will feel stronger and healthier over time.

Exercise and proper nutrition keep you at a healthy weight. If you follow proper habits your quality of life will increase significantly.

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