Uh Oh! You’ve Gained Some Weight

How to manage your weight during pandemic

Intermittent fasting is a very effective technique when it comes to weight loss and maintenance. What other techniques can help us during quarantine caused by coronavirus? One of the major body changes that occur during quarantine imposed by the spread of coronavirus is weight gain. During this period, physical activity decreases. The same thing happens with burning calories. Therefore, it is essential to adapt our diet to this new quarantine situation, so as not to damage our health by gaining weight.

Fitness Fusion 360 – have found some strategies to avoid weight gain, although you are recorded at home. Don’t miss these helpful tips!

How not to gain weight during quarantine caused by coronavirus

Intermittent fasting 

This strategy is very effective when it comes to preventing weight gain, according to various studies. One possibility is to skip breakfast, always under the supervision or consultation of a nutritionist. Breakfast may include processed, sugary, and low-quality foods. For this reason, skipping breakfast will cause a significant decrease in weekly calorie intake. Besides, fasting at the beginning of the day, activates many hormonal compensation mechanisms that stimulate fat burning.

Due to the lack of carbohydrates, the body prioritizes fatty acids as a primary energy source. First, the body will use those that circulate in the blood plasma; then, it will use those stored in the fat layer.

The best way to start the intermittent fast is by adopting a 16/8 protocol. But this should be discussed with your nutritionist; you can do this through a virtual consultation, for example. The goal is to avoid taking measures that endanger your health.

What is 16/8 protocol? All it means is you eat only during an 8-hour window for the entire day. The remaining 16 hours are your intermittent fasting period. This tends to support an improved blood sugar level as well as enhancing weight loss, brain function and longevity. One must be sure to eat as healthy as possible a diet during the 8-hour window – avoiding sugar sweetened foods and beverages.

Do Sport

All you need is bodyweight. You have to be creative, and you will see that your home offers everything you need. If you seek for good solutions, then floors, walls, floors and furniture are excellent. There are many training options around your home. Use the floor for floats or planks. You can use your body weight to lift your legs or you can support your body against the wall in a sitting position.

The triceps can be worked even with the help of a coffee table. You can also sit at the edge of the bed. Do some push-ups, leaning on your furniture with your hands. Don’t forget to keep your knees bent.

Avoiding the purchase of processed food 

Quarantine limits the number of exits from the house. Therefore, food availability decreases dramatically. An excellent strategy to avoid gaining weight during quarantine is not to buy processed products. By following this advice, you will avoid falling into temptation and including empty calories in your daily diet. During quarantine caused by coronavirus, it is best to focus on fresh, nutrient-rich, low-calorie foods. You should avoid the intake of processed and sugary products, which also tend NOT to contain beneficial micronutrients.

To improve control over appetite and the mechanism of satiety, it is good to include whole grains in the diet in small amounts. Oatmeal is an excellent example. There are clinical studies that demonstrate the effect of oats on the mechanism of satiety, which reduces the need to serve snacks between meals.

In conclusion, weight gain can be detrimental to your health, which is why it is a consequence that we should all avoid, even if we are forced to stay indoors. Therefore, it is important to implement a series of strategies to optimize our nutrition and avoid adopting a sedentary lifestyle.

Fasting can be an effective solution to not gain weight during quarantine. Pay close attention to your carbohydrate intake and always prioritize the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Optimizing your intake of antioxidants and vitamins helps you stay healthy and strengthen your immune system. Also, try to be as active as you can. Choose a space in the house and exercise daily, even without special gym equipment.