What Happens To Your Body – When You Work Out At Home

Article by: Jake Lester

Description: Have you ever been curious about how to work out at home? This guide takes you through some of the many benefits that exercise can have on your body and mind. Read on to discover why home workouts are the perfect addition to your workout routine or the ideal way to get started if you’re new to training.

Many people think that fitness involves complicated equipment or a pricey gym membership. The gym can be intimidating for beginners and even fitness pros can struggle to fit a gym session into their day. Ready for some good news? You can get just as many benefits when you work out at home as you can in the gym.

Follow this guide for some of the science behind exercise and some tips about how to work out at home without equipment. 

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Fit Your Workout at Home Around Your Schedule 

Everyone knows that when it comes to exercise, getting started is the hardest part. Whether you’re trying something new or trying to squeeze in your regular work out, we could all use some motivation to get moving. If time is your biggest enemy, remember – you don’t have to work out for long to reap some serious health benefits. Scientists state that even a 30 minute work out at home can be beneficial both for your body and mind. This is because even short workouts stimulate endorphins (your body’s feel-good chemicals) and boost mental power.

In fact, these effects can kick in as early as 10 minutes into your session. This also makes it more likely that you’ll stay focused and keep working out for longer! 

Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep 

The thought of hitting the gym after work can be a motivation destroyer. If the thought of leaving the house saps your strength, try a relaxing workout at home instead. Exercise is proven to reduce stress because it improves circulation and lowers blood pressure. Exercise also stimulates stress hormones in the body. Rather than wind you up, this increases your body’s long-term tolerance to stress and can improve mental health as your body gets used to tackling tough situations. Exercise also improves sleep quality, which leads to better all-round health.

If you need a boost before you work out at home but want to avoid sleep disruptors, like caffeine, try a caffeine free pre workout supplement. For ideal results, mix pre workout into a healthy protein shake to help support muscle growth. 

Protect Joints and Gain Flexibility 

So, we know exercise has major benefits but is working out from home for everyone? Yes! If you’re used to lifting heavy, a workout at home could be the ideal way to break up your intense schedule with some yoga or some faster, bodyweight moves. This helps prevent stress on the joints and back, which can be susceptible to repetitive strain injuries. Want to know how to work out your back at home?

Alternate between push-ups and forearm planks for a full upper body workout. You can also grab a couple of water bottles for weight or try out some moves with a resistance band and you’ll have everything you need for a killer burn.

Final Call

Are you a pro when it comes to home workouts? Do you have any go-to moves for when you workout at home? What about motivation – how do you keep yourself moving? Be sure to share in the comments

Jake Lester is a certified yoga expert who has dedicated himself to teaching yoga. There’s no doubt that yoga flows in his veins, thanks to his passion for this activity. He finds motivation in helping others improve not only physically but also mentally. He aims to help as many people as possible spend their lives feeling healthy and happy.