5 Ways To Ease Stomach Cramps Naturally

Contributing Writer: Daisy Moss

Stomach cramps can be extremely uncomfortable, but luckily there are a few natural remedies that you are likely to have in your house. Mild stomach cramping can be caused by many things, such as muscle strain, dehydration, deficiencies, menstrual cycles or indigestion. Yet, if at any point the pain worsens or something doesn’t feel right, it is essential that you seek medical advice. Here are a few things for you to try if you are struggling with mild stomach cramping!

Stay Hydrated

If you are not properly hydrated, your body might struggle to function as healthily as it should be as it is more difficult for food to be digested properly. You should be drinking at least 6-8 glasses of fluid (preferably water) a day in order to help your body to absorb everything it needs to and digest food properly. Staying hydrated can also help to reduce bloating and drinking warm water may help to relax tense muscles. 

Consume Plenty of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important vitamin for your stomach as it can aid muscles which are usually the cause of cramping. Try to consume oily fish, red meat, eggs and other foods fortified with vitamin D. Some people prefer to take vitamin D tablets to ensure they are consuming enough of this important vitamin, especially those who are vegan or vegetarian. Although, it is possible to access enough through food alone.

Drink Lemon and Ginger Tea

If you have a sore stomach, many people swear by lemon and ginger tea. Place a few slices of fresh ginger in boiling water with a slice of lemon. Leave to cool for 10-15 minutes, as this also gives time for the ingredients to steep. Adding honey can also be beneficial as it can neutralise the lemon juice in the drink, plus it tastes really good! Lemon and ginger both have been associated with powerful antioxidant features so should be implemented into your daily routine. 

Try Gentle Yoga

This might not be appropriate if you are experiencing bad stomach cramping, but there are a few gentle yoga poses which can help to relax your body to ease pain in your stomach, including gentle spine twists and the embryo pose. These aren’t extreme yoga poses but instead encourage the body to have a good stretch. For some people, getting up and moving is much better for stomach cramping than staying seated or lying down. If you haven’t tried it before, definitely give it a go. 

Take A Hot Bath

Having a hot bath can be a great way to ease your stomach cramps. The warmth of the water can help tense muscles to relax. It will also help the rest of your body to relax which could have a positive impact on your stomach. Whilst you’re at it, make the most of your time in the bath and perhaps listen to your favourite podcast or read a book.

Often a relaxed mind leads to a relaxed body, so give yourself some time out.