7 Best Fitness Tips for College Students

by: Marquis – Matt Shealy

College, as you might already know, involves a lot of major changes in your life. You are now independent, living your own life and learning the ropes without constant guidance from your parents.

At the same time, you have your classes, school work and organizations to juggle. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle despite a busy college life can be a huge challenge. If you want to make the most of your college experience, you will need to put your fitness on top of your priorities.

To help you achieve your fitness goals during college, check out these awesome tips.

Make Fitness Fun

When it comes to keeping your body fit, you have many fitness activities to choose from. Depending on how you wanna pace yourself or whatever sort of activities you are more fond of, you can opt for a specific practice to stick to.

There’s yoga, aerobics, taichi, jogging, swimming, cycling, martial arts or dance classes, basketball, and other extreme sports. Keeping fit while having fun is something that can help you maintain a constant fitness activity on a daily basis.

Workout with a Friend or Two

How else can you make fitness more fun? Have a buddy to stay fit with! Invite a friend or two to join you with your preferred exercise activity. This way, you get to share stories with your friend while keeping yourself busy achieving a fitness goal. You can also set up a deal with your friend that you both check on how each other is doing.

This can be a form of encouragement for you both. By having someone to check on how you are doing health-wise, you get to be more conscious of your own fitness.

Workout in Your Dorm Room

If you prefer to stay fit on your own, you might want to look into exercising at the comforts of your own dorm. You can look up exercise videos online that you can follow at your own pace and time. This is an ideal setup if you prefer to just squeeze in your fitness activities in between your hectic study sessions.

This way, you can easily switch between studying and exercising without having to leave your dorm. Some floor exercise, yoga, aerobics or taichi sessions can do wonders to your body and mind.

Practice Mindfulness

This practice of bringing your attention to everything that’s happening in the present moment can help improve your psychological well being. Being mindful gives a lot of health benefits, such as reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve your sleeping pattern.

By practicing mindfulness, you give yourself the opportunity to explore your emotional and thought processes, and be more aware of everything that is happening around you.

Understanding how you feel or what you think about during this whole process can help bring forth self awareness and greater well being.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important physical needs that you should never put aside. Your body deserves to get some rest and be able to reset its functions. You might find it hard to juggle various activities, but you should always give yourself the opportunity to rest, relax and if possible, get at least 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night.

You will feel recharged and more energetic the next morning, ready to take on more opportunities and experiences.

Setup Your Daily Schedule and Follow It

With a newfound independence and a lot of things to do during college, it might come out as a challenge for you to keep everything planned and in order. Learning how to manage your time and your daily activities is very important. By doing so, you get to make the most of your time everyday.

Start by keeping a planner and listing down every activity you have planned for the whole week. By knowing what activities to look forward to, you’ll be able to manage how long of a time you should spend for each of your tasks.

Live a Well Balanced Life

Living a balanced life means knowing what every aspect of your life is. This includes your work, studies, food, relationships, and your emotional and physical health.

Taking all of these into consideration and knowing which ones to prioritize and which unhealthy habits to avoid can help you lead a well balanced life. Some aspects of your life can be stressful, but by looking after your overall well-being, you get to balance out the good and the bad in your life.

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