7 Research-Backed Health Benefits Of CBD

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Article by: Rebecca Siggers

Cannabis is well-known for the medicinal properties in the ancient cultures around the world, and they are in use for curing an assortment of ailments for thousands of years. CBD is one of over 100 chemical compounds present in the Cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBD does not provide the psychoactive high synonymous with cannabis but instead makes you calm and grants you relief from anxiety and pain. CBD is commonly available as CBD oil, and you can procure it easily from a variety of sources. 

CBD is an effective alternative treatment for a variety of health problems where you can opt for it instead of conventional pharmaceuticals without needing to worry about side effects. The demand for CBD is growing exponentially with the uncovering of the multitude of health benefits through research. This article will help you understand the seven research-backed health benefits of CBD. 

Pain Relief:

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CBD finds use mostly in pain management and relieving chronic pain from a variety of ailments that affect millions of people around the world. CBD is in use as a medication for pain relief from as long as 2900 BC. It is an excellent alternative to the over the counter painkillers. 

CBD oil is better than conventional chemical pharmaceuticals for controlling pain as it does not pose any serious side effects. Researchers conclude from a study on rats that are consistently administering CBD lowers the sensitivity of pain receptors. It can aid in overcoming the discomfort of pain over a period and also limit inflammation by controlling the adenosine uptake in the nerve receptors. 

You can even treat the pain from osteoarthritis and multiple sclerosis safely using CBD. According to a review, CBD can inhibit the sensation of pain by controlling the levels of Glutamate in the spinal cord and the brain. CBD binds itself to the endocannabinoid neurotransmitters in the body and regulates the sensation of pain while promoting the feeling of well-being and happiness. 

Helps Treat Cancer Patients:

Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases to affect humans, and a definite cure remains elusive to modern science. The treatment of cancer can be extremely discomforting and painful, and you may experience insomnia, loss of appetite, anxiety, and pain during chemotherapy treatment. The conventional pain medication such as opioids may not take effect on patients undergoing chemotherapy, and there is also a chance for addiction to these medications. 

CBD is an effective alternative to such medication, and it can also offer relief from vomiting and nausea. Cannabis can also be effective in preventing the growth and reducing the risk of tumours and cancerous cells. According to a study on animals in a laboratory, CBD lessens the chance of developing colon cancer. Using CBD can help in killing cancer cells in the case of breast cancer and prevent the aggressive spread of cancer cells in lung, colon, and prostate cancer. 

Preventing Anxiety and Stress:

Stress and anxiety are the most prevalent mental issue in present times, and they can develop into serious issues if you do not treat it appropriately at the right time. CBD can aid in boosting the serotonin receptors in the brain and the nervous system, promoting a state of well-being and happiness. According to publication in the Neurotherapeutics journal, CBD is useful in treating social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and general anxiety. 

The medications for anxiety such as Benzodiazepines are addictive, and they only act on suppressing the symptoms instead of curing the anxiety. Since CBD does not have psychoactive effects, they are safe to administer for the treatment of patients to cope with anxiety. If you are suffering from anxiety and want to use CBD for treatment, you can try CBD vape pens that work well to relieve your symptoms and cure your condition. 

Decrease The Chance Of Obesity:

CBD helps in preventing obesity by turning the fat white cells to brown fat cells that burn faster. People who regularly consume cannabis have a smaller body-mass index and smaller waist circumference than people who do not participate in them. Cannabis users have a higher metabolic rate and tend to consume more calories per day as it stimulates the production of Ghrelin.

Helps In Protecting Nervous System

CBD plays an active role in protecting the brain and nervous system from damage and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the brain. CBD can prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia as they fight against free radicals that damage the cells by oxidative stress. CBD also promotes the growth of new brain cells in addition to protecting the existing cells from harm. 

CBD Improves Heart Health

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According to research by the American Society for Clinical Investigation, you can effectively lower the blood pressure of hypertension patients. CBD has a protective effect on the circulatory system as well as heart health. Regular cannabis users also demonstrate a higher amount of good cholesterol, along with a smaller proportion of bad cholesterol in comparison with the regular population.

Protecting The Skin

Acne is one of the most prevalent skin problems that affect the majority of the population. CBD can keep sebum production under control and also keep acne at bay due to its anti-inflammatory property. CBD oil also helps to protect the skin from the harmful UV radiations and from the attack of free radicals that can cause premature ageing. 


The overwhelming proof from research and the growing demand is making way for the legalization of CBD in several parts of the world for medicinal purposes. CBD is also gaining popularity in the treatment of a broad array of ailments such as neurological disorder, inflammation, and even cancer. The cannabinoid is a neurological transmitter that is naturally present in glands, tissues, organs, immune cells, and the brain. 

They have a vital role in maintaining health and CBD works by binding to the endocannabinoid receptors in the body. According to the World Health Organization, there is no evidence to prove that using pure CBD contributes to public health issues, dependency, or abuse in humans. With the incredible health benefits and no potential for negative effects, CBD looks all set to enter mainstream markets all over the world soon for treating a variety of ailments. 

About the author: Rebecca Siggers has been closely studying the travel industry trends for some time. She takes an interest in penning down her views providing quality insight on current trends in the destination niche.