Crepitus: You Can Still Exercise

The CREPITUS in the knees is manifested through cracks that are expressed through noises. The knees are composed of three bones: the ball joint, the femur and the tibia. There are specific diseases such as osteoporosis that deteriorate the cartilage generating that the bones rub together and therefore generate those annoying noises.

A slight crackling in the knees can be improved through physical exercise. Keep in mind that the muscles protect the joints, so the more developed your muscles are, the more effectively you can control the crepitus. Those who suffer from this condition can do cardiovascular exercises and also strengh exercises to feel better.

Cardiovascular exercises

Low-impact cardiovascular exercises are highly effective in treating crepitus. Firstly because this type of exercise promotes weight loss. We must bear in mind that those who suffer from crepitus must have an ideal weight to avoid overloading the joints and thus not worsen the problem. The most efficient aerobic exercise to treat CREPITUS is swimming.

This exercise is relaxing and increases muscle strength in the calves and thighs. Gentle aerobic exercises such as walking and cycling are also effective in improving this condition. It is advisable to use comfortable shoes that facilitate a correct footprint.

Strenth exercises

Strength exercises done under the supervision of a fitness coach can be very effective in relieving a mild knee CREPITUS. Doing squats leaning against the wall will make your joints stronger, prevent pain and keep the crackling from getting worse in the long run. It is also recommended to do isometric exercises such as leg lifts, which should be kept taut and straight during movement. The exercises to work the quadriceps are also very effective to strengthen the knee joints. Work with little weight and focus on the exercise technique.

Keep in mind that the most effective strength exercise to control CREPITUS is thigh contraction. Sit on a stretcher and place a towel under your knees. Then squeeze your thigh muscles and stay in that position for 7 seconds. Then rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise 10 more times.


As you can see, the CREPITUS can be relieved through proper physical exercise. It is important that your doctor and personal trainer monitor your fitness routine. The recommended exercises should be practiced at least three times a week, for one hour each time.

It is best to remain constant throughout the year, so that the effects of CREPITUS can be controlled.