8 Benefits Of Getting A Good Night’s Sleep


Are you getting a full 7 or 8 hours of sleep nightly? There are many ways you can achieve this goal by unplugging gadgets just before bedtime, avoiding caffeine at night, and learning how to pick the perfect mattress. You can then experience lots of health benefits related to your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. 

Physical Benefits of Good Sleep 

Healthier heart

Studies show that lack of sleep might increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health issues related to the vital organ.

Here’s how it works. A lack of sleep can affect your nervous system. That, in turn, can affect your blood pressure and thus affect your heart health.

Prevent Being Overweight/Obese

When you don’t sleep enough, it can make appetite control tougher. One reason is you’re more likely to crave sugary and high-carb foods, which are more likely to cause weight gain. 

For example, some brain neurotransmitters receive signals from the stomach that you’re full. If the system isn’t working well due to lack of sleep, you’ll be more likely to overeat.

In order to improve sleep quality and prevent weight gain, you can take some basic steps. For example, try to avoid consumer dinner past 6 PM, eat slowly, and read a mattress buying guide. 

Workout Performance

If you exercise regularly, then you might notice a spike in performance when you sleep well. For example, one study showed that enough shut-eye made basketball players better. 

You can get various health benefits related to athletic performance. They include faster muscle recovery and better hand-eye coordination.

Stronger Immune System 

Deep sleep is important so the sleeper’s immune cells get recharged. This will make them stronger and better equipped to fight off free radical molecules. That can also help to prevent illnesses like colds and flu. 

A related issue is studies show that a good night’s sleep can also help to increase the effectiveness of vaccines. 

Mental Benefits of Good Sleep 

Better Focus/Attention 

If you’re having problems focusing during the day, it might be due to sleep deprivation. Not sleeping enough could cause various problems the next morning related to concentration, reaction times, and risk management. 

On the other hand, it’s easier to focus on work and other tasks when you get a good night’s sleep.

Improved Memory 

After you pick the best mattress for a good night’s sleep, you might notice that your memory improves. For example, if you’ve been having a lack of sleep, then you might have noticed some memory problems. 

When we sleep, our brains store and organize memories. So when you catch enough Zs, this can help you to store and process memories better. 

Emotional Benefits of Good Sleep 

Improves Mood

It turns out that your daytime mood can be affected by how much sleep you get—not really on which side of the bed you climb out of. There are various reasons like being fully charged, so you have more energy. 

This helps to prevent little things from bothering you. That’s more likely if you were tossing and turning all night.


If you don’t get enough sleep, your body makes more stress hormones like cortisol. When that happens, it will be tougher to sleep soundly at night. That includes the amount and quality of sleep.  

You can even try some anti-stress techniques before bedtime:

*Focus on deep breaths
*Clear your mind
*Do yoga/mediation


You can enjoy all the above-mentioned benefits by taking basic steps like studying how to pick the perfect mattress. Simply consider options like the mattress’s material, firmness, and airflow to help sleep like a rock.

Author’s Bio:
Erick An enthusiast and expert when it comes to sleep products, Erick dedicates a lot of his time reading, researching, and reviewing about both traditional and emerging sleep brands that manufacture varied types of sleep products – from eco-mattresses, smart pillows to cooling sleep systems, Erick has probably reviewed them all. Erick also finds sleep especially important since he juggles a small business which he runs from home, makes sure he spends time with his daughter and he also writes during his spare time – you can definitely see that he needs a great forty winks all night, every night so he’ll make sure that you get great sleep, too!