Benefits of Maca Root Extract On Your Fitness Routine and Diet

Maca plant has gained popularity for the past few years. It originated from the high mountains of Peru. It is known to enhance sex drive and fertility. It is a cruciferous vegetable that only grows in high altitudes. Maca plants are related to the cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage family.

How does Maca plant extract impact our fitness routine? Is it beneficial for a healthy diet? Here is a list of the Benefits of Maca Root Extract and how it benefits our exercise and diet.


Maca root extracts contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. These include; Vitamin C, Iron, Copper, Potassium, Vitamin B6, and Manganese. Maca root extracts are high in carbohydrate, protein, low fat, and contain a fair amount of fiber.

It also contains a high percentage of protein. The high protein and carbohydrates of Maca root extracts give you a feeling of fullness. Which as a result, you’ll be eating less, but you have enough energy to go on your everyday exercise routine.

Boosts Energy

Maca roots are usually in the form of powder supplements. It is known to athletes and bodybuilders to boost energy. It also helps gain muscle mass because of its high protein content.

When hitting the gym, you will not get tired during workouts. Maca root extract increases strength and improves performance during an exercise. Think of it as a fuel that you need when doing any physical activity.

Dosage and Use Instructions

It can be taken in powder form, 500-mg capsules or liquid extracts. You can add it to your oatmeal, fresh smoothies, energy bars, and baked goods. The recommended dosage of Maca root powder is 1.5-5.00 grams per day. These are sold in many supermarkets, organic food stores, and online retailers.

For those who consume fresh Maca, only the roots are the edible part. It is recommended to boil them first before consumption. There are three different kinds of Maca root extracts; yellow, red, and black. The yellow Maca extracts are the ones readily available in the market.

Consult your physician before taking Maca, especially to those who have thyroid problems. Pregnant and lactating mothers should also consult with their healthcare provider before ingesting Maca.

Aside from its benefits during a workout routine, it also increases libido, can improve your mood, helps relieve symptoms of menopause, sun protection, reduce prostate size, and improve memory. It is truly a gift from nature that we should appreciate.