Boxing Workouts for Defining Your Abs

Article Researched & Written by: Mike Jones – Elite Sports

Do you look at the magazine cover or your favorite model on Instagram and long for having an identical body? Those sleek and defined abs stretching in the core region. Defining abs isn’t hard as you might be wondering it is. You need to be patient, consistent, and take the right approach.

Boxing-based workouts are very effective and efficient in developing an impressive core region. As boxing is itself an amazing cardio exercise, it works well on the abdominal muscles, and in no time gives you killer abs.

The primary reason boxers appear to be physically appealing is that they engage almost every major muscle of your body for executed right game moves. Which not only helps them in winning the game but plays a great role in being at the top of their physique. Core conditioning plays a very great role in boxing conditioning.

A major source of the punching power originates from your core. And your abs make up a major part of your core. In this article, we will explore structured boxing workouts that would transform your body in no time. 

Boxing Workouts for Defining Your Abs

Bicycle crunches

This exercise is beneficial for boxers as it solely focuses on the core stability while rotating their shoulders & incorporating the power from the lower body. Also the athletic movements it makes you perform hones the coordination.

Start doing this workout by lying flat on the back with your hands tied behind your head, then alter each of your elbows closer to the opposite knee, making sure you maintain a tight core. Perform 10 to 20 crunches with each of your elbows. 

Skipping Rope

Skipping rope is an amazing warm-up workout, it’s a high-intensity cardio workout that boosts your metabolism. It is simple as you used to do it in your old childhood days. You can also skip the rope in between and jump as long as you can. You can also add variety, by adding some footwork for the different moves but make sure the target is skipping. Take a break for a minute after you are done with the exercise. This exercise can make you burn more calories than weight lifting. 

Side plank

It is a key exercise for the boxer, as the movement helps in core stability & developing strength in the shoulder girdle it’s very crucial for developing punches. For performing this workout turn to the side with the legs stretched & the feet & hips planted firmly on the floor.

After that place the elbow underneath the shoulder & push the abs & hips up till your upper body is aligned in a straight line. Hold the position for 30 to 60 seconds. And return to the starting position. 

Mountain Climbing

It’s a cardio ab defining exercise. A particular movement that helps in retaining the momentum by targeting your core region. Start performing this exercise by going down on your fours in a push-up position. Then bring the right knee forward in a way that your whole leg makes the shape of L with your knee touching the floor & lower leg being parallel to the floor. Then stretch both of your hands above, switch your legs making the L shape, make you undergo it while the other one stays straight. 

Legs-together hip thrust

The leg-together hip thrust is one of the hardest & best ways for defining the lower abs, it’s a very crucial workout for turning your four-pack into a six-pack.

Start this workout by laying down on the back with the legs held together & raised off the ground, & the arms straight & on the ground. Then contract the abs for lifting & raising the glutes & raise your lower back.

Hold your position on its top, then start lowering your back to the position from where you started & repeat the workout.

Heavy Bag Punching

This workout not only tones your abdominals but hikes up your punching and is an incredible stress buster. Start this workout by covering both of the hands with the hand wraps and put on premium quality boxing gloves. Then stand in the boxing stance and place the dominant hand & foot at your back. If you are a right-hander, your right foot should be at the rear side with your shoulders turned at the right side, then position the left hand at the front side of the right.

You should be standing almost one foot away from the heavy bag. Punch the heavy bag, by using your non-dominant hand. Keep on throwing powerful and impactful punches as long as you aren’t fatigued out. Focus mitts and pad workouts can be also helpful for defining these muscles. 

This workout centers around the ab rotation, it might feel heavy on your shoulders & arms.

Make sure you take small breaks after every 3 minute round of heavy punching. 

Press-up kick-out

It’s a challenging but highly rewarding movement that works well on your chest & shoulders and abs. For performing the press-up you must return to the position form where you started. You can start by raising one of your hands to the torso & Kick the leg through. Then return to the position from where you started, perform another press-up, and repeat this time kick through to the opposite side.

Remember to keep every rep smooth & controlled & also keep your abs engaged.

Plank with leg raise

Raising the legs alternately forces the entire core to stay activated for your full 20 secs workout. You can start this exercise by going into the plank position, do it by resting yourself on your forearms with the elbows placed directly under the shoulders. Brace the core, while raising your foot higher as you can, keep both of your legs straight.

After that, start lowering it again, while raising the other. Make sure you keep every rep smooth & controlled, hold your foot at the top, doing so will hit your abs harder.

Sit-up with a twist

Sit up with a twist is a full-core engaging activity that works your upper & lower abdominals, during the initial setup.

It fires up the obliques while you are performing a twist. Like the Russian twist, sit-up variation makes your core stronger, while improving the ability to generate power by the core. Start by sitting on the back, then roll up into the sit-up position, with your leg extended & a foot pressed in the ground, with your knee bent. From there, twist to your side, bring the opposite elbow closer to the bent knee.

Repeat this 15 to 20 times, and then perform the same for the other side. 

Russian Twists

These twists work amazingly well for developing the core strength but can be challenging. Russian twists are helpful if they are done with the feet placed on a stabilized surface or have somebody at your side for holding it. For performing this workout, you must lift the upper body off the ground, making the V-shape.

Then extend the arms out at your front, and do a twist at the right side till the arms become parallel to the ground. 

V-Sit Pose

This workout can be more dynamic compared to the plank pose, which involves holding a certain position for a certain time. For performing this workout, begin with sitting straight on the ground. Start performing this exercise by lifting your legs to the angle of 45 degrees, reach forward by using the hands for stabilizing the position.

Balance your pelvis, stay at this position for about 15-60 secs, it depends on the fitness level.