5 Benefits of Morning Workouts

by: Aidan Minter

Although setting your alarm for 6 a.m. – or possibly earlier – and squeezing in an exercise session before work may sound like your worst nightmare, I’m here to convince you that by switching your workouts from p.m. to a.m. could really transform your life .

If you are not a morning person then the hardest part will be getting out of bed an hour earlier, but you’ll thank yourself later on in the day when you’re full of energy and have more time to do the things you really want to. A couple of tips I found useful when I began to work out in the mornings were laying out my exercise clothes the night before and also putting my alarm clock away from the bed as this meant I had to physically get up to switch it off.

  1. Boosts Metabolism

Starting your day off with a workout really boosts your metabolism and means you could burn more calories than if you were to exercise in the afternoon on evening. Because you continue to burn calories several hours after working out, any food you consume following  your morning workout will be turned in to energy and will help to replenish your body. You also move about more during the day which will also accelerate the calorie burning process opposed to an evening workout in which you will invariably go to bed shortly afterwards.  

  • It’s easier to get in to a routine

How many times have you had the best intentions of exercising after work but never actually got around to it? We all have busy lives and things will often crop up over the course of a day which means you will have to give your workout a miss. Sometimes you may just feel too tired to drag yourself to the gym. Very few appointments, social events and other gatherings are scheduled for early in the morning which means you will have no excuse not to get up and get that workout done. You can then spend the evenings doing all the things you really want to do like catching up with friends or watching a good film.

  • Increases Productivity

Not only will you see the physical benefits of your morning exercise regime but you will also start to notice how it can improve other aspects of your life. A morning workout will leave you feeling refreshed, alert and ready to attack the day. The endorphins released from exercise will put you in a positive frame of mind before work and help to increase your productivity.

  •  Improves Sleep

One thing that is for certain if you workout out early in the morning will be that you’ll definitely be ready for bed come the evening. Alternatively, working out just before bedtime can actually prevent a good night’s sleep as your body will still be full of adrenaline.

  • You make healthier food choices

If you’ve managed to get up early to complete a really tough workout then you’ll not want to undo all the good work by eating unhealthily. A morning workout will therefore encourage you to make better food choices throughout the day.