Dance Plus Exercise Equals Dancercise

3 Benefits of Dancercise

Dancercise is a fitness discipline where you exercise while you dance, just like that. Fitness always creates new disciplines, based on people’s behavior. The truth is that many people hate to train, That’s why training can turn into dancing, making people like exercise.

The first question that arises is how to achieve this. The instructors base their training on a basic exercise, the abs for example, and turn it into a dance movement. It is ideal to try this discipline when you get tired of trying different types of workout and you don’t like any of them. Dance is inspiring in itself, but if you can train while you dance it’s even better.

There are three benefits among others of practicing dancercise.

1 – You burn calories while having fun.  To lose weight you have to do cardio. The most common exercises are walking and running, but unfortunately many people get bored with that. That will never happen while you are practicing dancercise, because the music and movements are in perfect harmony to make the class fun. 

2 – Tone up your body. Both dance and exercise sculpt your body, burn fat and enhance your muscles harmoniously. During a dancercise class you will work on your whole body, achieving your own aesthetic balance. Now you can wear all the clothes you like, because everything will fit you.

3 – You will be happy. When you exercise you release endorphins, which are the hormones of psychological well-being. You leave behind the stress, the anxiety and the sadness. Dancing is a social activity where you can make new friends with whom you can share a healthy lifestyle. You will feel better about yourself, reflecting your self-confidence in all areas of life.

The best thing about dancercise is that anyone can practice it, as it does not require any special skills. As you can see, you can get in shape by having fun, leaving behind the boredom with which it is sometimes associated with fitness. Many people say “fitness is great, but it bores me”. This is not true.

Dancercise entertains people, getting them to lose weight and tone their bodies. Once done regularly and to schedule.

A good idea is to practice dancercise with friends who have the same goals as you for their bodies. You can motivate each other and encourage each other when one of you wants to give up this discipline. Try it, and you will see that dancercise will be a habit incorporated into your daily life.