Dietary Supplement – Pantothenic Acid

Pantothenic Acid: How It Improves Our Health

PANTOTHENIC ACID, also called Vitamin B5, deals with the assimilation of fats, carbohydrates and proteins which are essential for proper cell life. Fortunately, pantothenic acid is found in most foods, so vegans and vegetarians also find it in their specific diets. The Food and Nutrition Board warns that although PANTOTHENIC ACID is present in most foods, many of its components are lost during processing, cooking, freezing or canning.

The institution recommends daily intake of 2 mg per day of pantothenic acid in sedentary adults and 7 mg, in adult athletes.

Including this vitamin complex in our diet generates multiple health benefits such as:
  • Strengthening the immune system,
  • Relieves arthritis,
  • Synthesizes iron,
  • Fights migraine,
  • Improves skin quality,
  • Helps in the formation of insulin,
  • Fights gastritis,
  • Reduces stress,
  • Heals wounds,
  • Reduces cholesterol,
  • Regulates digestion, among other benefits

An Ally of The Fitness Routine

PANTOTHENIC ACID – promotes the action of coenzyme A, which is responsible for multiple metabolic processes. Therefore, this vitamin complex strengthens the metabolism, making it more effective and faster.

To improve our performance in our fitness routine it is convenient to ingest this acid through the different foods where it is found: milk, eggs, avocado, chicken, sweet potato and all animal proteins. The benefits of consuming pantothenic acid will be reflected in our sports performance, since we will have a faster metabolism and achieve our fitness goals in the short term.

Pantothenic Acid Deficiency

As you can see, pantothenic acid is present in most foods, so suffering a deficiency of this vitamin complex is rare. According to a study from Oregon State University, a deficiency of this acid produces tiredness, insomnia, headache, fatigue, intestinal pain, allergies, gastric ulcers, nausea, stress and apathy in the face of daily activities.

There are of course a number of things that can cause PANTOTHENIC ACID deficiency. These may include but not limited to: Alcoholism, Caffeine, Stress, certain Psycho-pharmaceuticals, consuming too many Canned or Frozen foods.

As for the toxidity of pantothenic acid, no serious cases have been reported to date.

The daily intake of PANTOTHENIC ACID generates multiple health benefits, as well as improving our athletic performance when facing a fitness routine. This vitamin complex has the power to turn sugar and fat into energy. Then, we will have that energy to better withstand any demanding sports training.

This vitamin complex can help heal certain diseases such as Diabetes, Cystitis, Anemia, Asthma, Chronic fatigue. and Kidney failure.

To make the most of the benefits of PANTOTHENIC ACID it is advisable to consume food of animal origin, which ensures good physical performance and optimal health in all aspects.