How To Build Muscles With Mass Building Workout Programs?

Article by: Ryan Spiteri

Building muscles is an endeavor requiring lots of guidance and time. Patience is the key to building mass muscles, while it is also essential to have comprehensive guidance to continue with mass building workout programs.

Many myths exist concerning building mass muscles, while many may prove worthless of continuing, so you have to be meticulous about what to choose and avoid. 

If you are continuing a workout program but seeing no visible changes, it is time to understand that your approach is off. And you need to initiate immediately with a correct approach. 

This article will provide you with useful insights regarding the ways to build muscles with a mass building workout program. 

1. Consume more protein

Exercise training breaks your muscles, so protein has a crucial role in building them. If you are into more challenging lifting workouts, it becomes more vital to take protein to solidify the muscles’ recovery. 

As per the researches, for optimal protein growth, weight lifters need to eat 0.25 to 0.30 grams of protein per kg.

2. Lower down the between-set rest intervals 

Hypertrophy is an increase and the growth of muscle cells. When you are lifting for hypertrophy, the rest period should be for 30-90 seconds. Because seconds encourage a quick release in muscle-building hormones, it also ensures that your muscles get fatigued.  

A research published in the journal of physiology suggests that fatiguing your muscles is a prerequisite for hypertrophy. These rest intervals are imperative whether you opt for muscle building workout plan for beginners or intensive workout programs. 

3. Pay attention to the eccentric phase

 While lifting weight, there are two phases the concentric and eccentric.

For example, when you are lower into your squat, you perform an eccentric action. When you make a return to standing that is concentric, in order to enhance the eccentric effort in the workout, you can either slow down the eccentric phase of each exercise or integrate eccentric-variations into your routine. 

4. Pay heed to calories surpluses, not deficits 

To build muscle mass, you need to consume more calories than you burn daily. The reason is that when your body identifies calorie deficient issues means you consume fewer calories than you burn, it downshifts the tendency of the body to build new muscles. Therefore, your aim should be to consume around 250-500 calories every day.

Paying heed to calorie surpluses is critical for every type of workout plan, especially for extended workout programs such as 6-month body transformation program.

5. Get more sleep 

Muscle recovery has more requirements apart from the right nutrition. It needs time- it needs around 8 to 9 hours per day of sleep to recover the muscles.

Author Bio:

Ryan Spiteri is the body transformation specialist offering 100% personalized training program & meal plans to have a perfect body without missing your favorite foods.