Shoulder Pain During Your Workout?

Tips for Pushing Past Shoulder Pain While Working Out

Few things are more frustrating to an athlete than having to overcome chronic pain. The location and intensity of your injury can either inhibit or completely prevent you from completing your workout. If you suffer from shoulder pain, then try implementing these tips into your next pump.

Helpful Stretches

The following stretches have proven effective in treating shoulder pain. The best part is that these movements can be performed at home with absolutely no equipment, so you don’t have any excuses not to do them.

Across-the-Body Shoulder Stretch

This can be performed either seated or standing, whatever is most comfortable for you. Grab the tricep of one arm and pull it across your body until you feel a pull in your shoulder. Stop the motion if the pain is too intense. Hold the stretch for about 30-45 seconds before releasing and repeating with the other arm.

Overhead Shoulder Stretch

Raise one arm above your head and bend your elbow so your forearm drops behind your back. Let your hand rest between your shoulder blades. Bring your other hand to your raised elbow and apply light pressure, pushing down until you feel the stretch. Hold for 30-45 seconds before switching.

Child’s Pose Lateral Shoulder Stretch

This exercise is a very common yoga position and is performed on the ground. Start by kneeling down with your knees about hip-width apart and then sit back on your heels. Stretch both arms above your head and slowly fold forward, bringing your forehead to touch the ground, if you can. While this position is great for your shoulders, you’ll likely feel it all over your body. Hold the pose for as long as you wish; many yogis will remain in this position for several minutes.

Things to Avoid

The urge to push through the pain and ignore the injury is understandable, but this will only hurt you more in the long run. Help speed up your healing process by avoiding the following things:

* BARBELLS AND EXERCISE MACHINES: These types of exercises can force your body into uncomfortable positions that can worsen the injury.

* ADDING TOO MUCH WEIGHT: Remember the kid from high school that tried to come back too soon after his ACL tear and just ended up tearing the other one almost immediately? This is kind of the same thing. Don’t be that kid.

* IGNORING WORSENING PAIN: Don’t be dumb and ignore the injury if you feel the pain intensifying. Go see a doctor as soon as you can.

Shoulder pain can be frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be debilitating. Follow these tips and you’ll be back to full power in no time. Also remember that there’s a big difference between muscle soreness and pain from an injury. Make time to see your doctor if your shoulder pain is either getting worse or isn’t going away.