The Best Resistance Training for Beginners? Try Lagree Fitness

What Is Resistance Training?

Also known as weight training or strength training, resistance training essentially relies on muscle contraction to improve anaerobic endurance, strength, and skeletal muscle size. It is based on the principle that the muscles will overcome resistance when it’s applied from outside. When you do resistance training consistently for a long time, it helps to build stronger muscles.

Any well-rounded fitness training should focus on joint functioning, muscle, ligament, tendon, bone density, and also aerobic exercises to improve lung and heart health. Other than that, it should also focus on flexibility.

If you follow any resistance training, be sure to tweak it every 6-8 weeks. Several variations can influence the results, such as –

  • Repetitions
  • Sets
  • Session frequency
  • Resting period between sets
  • The intensity of weights
  • Nature of exercises

By varying the training program through repetitions, sets, weights, and exercises; it’s a lot easier to maintain overall gains and strength.

How the Megaformer is Based on Resistance Training

To understand how this machine offers so many multiple options for a wholesome workout including resistance exercise, you must know its different components. You should also know how they work together. 

Below we discuss different parts of the Megaformer :

Two Stable Platforms

There’s a stable platform on both ends of the Megaformer. There are also fixed spots on either ends to provide a strong foundation that facilitates ease of poses and various exercises. For most of the workouts, you will only be using one platform. 

For other exercises, you may have to stretch from one end to another. You can customize the platforms to allow multiple options based on grip positions and shape.

The Moving Carriage

In the middle, there’s a moving carriage that shifts back and forth between two ends of the platforms. You can either attach resistance to it or let it move freely. Without the resistance, the platform allows you to improve the core while also stabilizing the muscles. By adding resistance, you can create a lot more options to work out your calves, shoulders, and quadriceps. You can enhance overall muscular endurance.


While doing push-ups, based on your hand placement, you can develop muscles across different areas. This principle applies to all different kinds of workouts. Even a tiny variation in terms of hands and feet position can determine what different muscle groups you’re building. 

This is the reason the Megaformer has provision for customizing handlebars. This detail may sound pointless, but it can make a world of a difference in the final results. It can also change the whole dynamic of your workout.

Participants can do intense but achievable exercises on this Megaformer. You can test yourself in unique ways without putting more strain than you can handle. That’s what makes the Lagree method so unique and beautiful. 

Beginner’s Guide to Lagree Fitness

Sebastian Lagree is the one who came up with Lagree Fitness. He developed this method after 15 years of careful observation as a pilates instructor. During his career, Lagree realized the need for his clients to seek more intense workouts. 

But, there was no way to get what they wanted from Pilates alone. He took that knowledge and keeping in mind the benefits of pilates (such as flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and core stability), he infused it to create a more high intensity, dynamic, yet low-impact workout. 

There was only one problem though. He needed a new machine to support this new workout format. And Voila! That’s how the Megaformer and Lagree method was born.

Lagree is Great for Beginners, Strength, and Overall Fitness

Lagree fitness has myriad fitness benefits to offer. Whether you want to do cardio training, improve strength, flexibility, or build muscles – it can do it all for you. Here’s why Lagree is great for everyone –

  • Supports a wide range of motion – The handles and positions on the Meagformer are highly adjustable. You can do a ton of pushing and pulling in countless directions. With a stable back and front platform, adjustable cables, and spring tension, you can ensure a full range of motion.
  • High-intensity – The best thing about Lagree is it can get your heart working in a way that pilates often can’t. By maintaining slow yet controlled movements with a regular tension, you can ensure a proper cardio workout. High-intensity workouts are great if you aim for fat loss and low blood pressure.
  • Better Resistance – The tension system on the Megaformer is a lot more advanced than your traditional Reformer. Many springs sit right in the middle. This allows for a faster transition and quick release between movements. That means you can continue to challenge yourself even if you’re an expert.
  • Ideal for recovery – Although Lagree is great for all workouts, if you’re in a resting period due to some kind of injury, the machine can quicken your recovery. There’s a wide range of moves that help you target different muscle groups. You can strengthen tiny muscles around the injury area in a safe way without putting unnecessary strain that might further the injury.
  • Supports muscular strength – It’s the ability of your muscles to exert force during exercise. To achieve strong muscles, you must work against some kind of resistance like gravity, springs, weights, or your own body weight. Lagree Method is designed to offer a counter-resistance workout for incredible muscular strength.

In Conclusion

Let’s just say that Lagree is a highly dynamic, multi-faceted, full-body workout machine. It offers a balanced and comprehensive system to tighten, tone, and strengthen the body. It also places a heavy focus on proper alignment and form. 

With spring-based tension, Megaformer makes sure that users can adjust the machine to their fitness level. This kind of tailored experience is unique to Lagree. That is what makes this fitness method perfect for all fitness levels and age groups.

This article is brought to you by Lagree Fit 415. Want to learn the 8 things to know before your first Lagree class? Read our informative article here and dive into Lagree fitness!