Weight Gain The Healthy Way

Being lean doesn’t mean that you’re unhealthy; however, being underweight can be distressing, especially if it emanates from malnutrition or if you’re expectant or you’ve other underlying health issues. Therefore, if you’re looking to add extra kilos, consult your dietitian or doctor for an examination. After evaluation, your dietitian will recommend the most effective ways to increase your overall weight without hurting your body. 

Here are a few of the healthy ways to gain weight without hurting your body:

Eat More of Protein

Protein is one of the essential nutrients when it comes to weight gain. Protein is used in the building of muscles, and without muscles, a significant percentage of the excess calories would be stored as fat in the body. 

Studies have revealed that a diet rich in protein prompts the conversion of excess calories into muscle. 

Since the protein is highly filling, taking it often is likely to significantly reduce your appetite, causing a deficit in calories in the body. 

If you’re striving to add extra kilos to your body weight, go for at least 0.6-1 grams of protein per pound of body weight. 

Some of the foods packed with protein include legumes, eggs, meat, fish, and more. If there is still protein deficiency in your diet, add supplements such as whey protein.

Eat More Often

Underweight people are more likely to feel full faster. For that reason, it’s recommended to have several meals during the day instead of two or three heavy meals. 

Opt for Nutrient-rich Foods

Eating foods packed with nutrients such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole-grain bread not only improves your overall health but also help you gain weight. 

Take Calories in Surplus

Overwhelming your body with calories is one of the best ways to gain weight. Calories being in surplus means they exceed your body requirements. 

With a calorie calculator, you can quickly tell the number of calories your body requires. If you intend to gain weight drastically, exceed your daily calorie intake by at least 300 – 500 calories. 

However, if you’re aiming to gain weight fast, exceed your routine calorie intake by 700 – 1,000 calories. Note that calorie calculators only offer estimates. Perhaps there could be a variance of hundreds of calories daily. 

It’s unnecessary to count calories throughout your life, but it’s vital to determine the impact of the calories you’re taking during the first few days or weeks. 

Engage Yourself in Intense Workouts and Enhance Your Strength

It’s important to engage yourself in intense exercises such as lifting weights to ensure your excess calories are channeled to your muscles other than your fat cells. 

Go to a gym or work-out in some form for at least 2-3 days per week. Lift hefty and try to add extra weights and volume with time. If you aren’t conversant with gym matters, hire qualified personnel to take you through the training sessions until you become a pro. 

If you’ve any underlying issue or skeletal problem, get in touch with your doctor before getting started. 

Taking part in cardio workouts is essential as it enhances fitness and well-being; however, doing excess of it can be more disastrous. You might end up burning all the extra calories you incorporate into your diet.