Weight Training: Workouts for Stronger Bones

Article Researched & Written by: Mike Jones – Elite Sports

Exercise and daily workouts have long been connected to physical and mental health. There are so many different researches that provide evidence about the connection of exercise with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cholesterol and sugar level. There is no doubt that exercise will reduce the chance of heart attack and keep you away from stress.

 Apart from this is, exercise is an excellent mood elevator and most physiologists recommend exercise as part of behavioral therapy. Overall there are so many different benefits of exercise that it is hard to look the other way. Overall if you want to prolong your life, clean eating, daily exercise and a lot of water can help you with that.

 Exercise is not something with a limited scope, instead, you will see that exercise is deeply connected to beauty, healthy skin, thick shiny hair, strong bones, and sturdy nails as well.

For people who are still trying to figure out if exercise is really good for them, we have listed down some of the benefits that are connected to exercise. Apart from this, exercise has an anti-aging effect which means all the diseases that are connected with old age can be treated with exercise.

To help you focus mainly on healthy bones, we have listed down some basic exercises that are good for stronger bones.

Benefits of Exercises

There are so many benefits of exercises that start from physical health and beauty to mental health and disease cure. Some of the main benefits that will convince you to start exercising from today have been listed below:

  • Improved mental health
  • Works as a mood elevator
  • Promoted better healing through blood flow
  • Helps with radiant skin, shiny hair, and strong nails
  • Improved the oxygenated blood supply to all the organs
  • Help with losing weight and getting rid of extra fat
  • Helps with toning the body
  • Improved creative work
  • Increase the bone density
  • Has an anti-aging effect

As a woman, reducing the effect of aging is something that we all want. Most people straight away think from a beauty perspective but not all understand the aging process in women is different than men. Women have a much more difficult time than men.

 Hormones lose balance and bones start to get brittle. The body loses power, joints and muscles lose the grip. However, all this can be fixed with daily exercise. To make it easier, we have listed some benefits of exercise that are connected with bone health.

Benefits of Exercise for Bones

  • Increase the blood circulation that ensures better nutrition supply
  • Stimulates the bones to absorb more vitamin D and calcium
  • Helps with speeding up the bones repair
  • Increase the bone density by easy calcium absorption
  • Prevent maximum damage in critical accidents
  • Optimize bone development

Overall, it is safe to say that even when the bones are getting brittle and weak due to hormonal imbalance, daily exercises can help you improve blood circulation. With better blood circulation, oxygen and nutrition will reach much easier and the bones will stay healthy.

In case of an accident, the bones will repair faster. Apart from this, the density of the bones will help in preventing any serious damage.

7 Exercises That You Must Try

Most people avoid exercises when they get old because in old age movement can be painful. However, there are a few exercises that are neither boring nor monotonous and have an excellent effect on the body as well. You will feel less pressure on your joints and the best thing is that it has the same benefits as any other exercise.

Some of the best exercises that require no investment, no equipment, and no special sportswear have been listed for you. These exercises are ideal for people of all genders and all ages. You can start these exercises even if you are young or you can start these exercises after you have hit your 40’s and they will have the same impact.


Yoga is an excellent exercise that will help you increase your bone density. There are so many poses that you can try, each pose has a different significance. Within yoga, you will find poses that are not going to put pressure on your joints but will help you regain the flexibility that your body needs.

 With each pose, try to hold it for a little and then try the other pose, this will give your body enough time to adjust and breathe.

Daily yoga will help you not only increase the capacity of your lungs but will also help you with developing a better sitting and standing posture. As you progress you will see that your back pain, joint pain, and muscular pain will go away.

The best thing about yoga is that it helps with improving bone strength.


Dance is an excellent exercise, most people think that it is all about enjoying music or it is just an art form that helps you express your emotions. All these things are true but limiting the scope of dance to just a few benefits is not a very wise move.

 Dance is so much more than just a way to express yourself. Our body has a way of syncing our move with the beat, so the music works as a cue and the body follows. In short, dance will help you with entertainment and you will get a lot more out of it than you can ever think of.

With the help of dance, your body movement will improve, your bone density will improve and your bones will become stronger.


Jogging or brisk walking is great for improving the circulation of blood in the bones. It is also helpful in increasing the capacity of the lungs and stimulating the bones for more absorption of calcium.

The best thing about jogging is that just a 10 minutes walk is enough for you in the morning.

Physical Sports

Physical sports like cricket, squash, and badminton are great for health and entertainment. You are practically getting entrained and burning your calories at the same time. As you move the blood circulation increases and you will sweat and the heartbeat will increase as well. Overall, this is great for your blood circulation that will help in providing nutrition to the whole body as well as the bones.


Golf might seem like a little boring game for some people but if you are getting old but still want to exercise, golf can be very good for you. Entertaining, easy, and slow, this is the only friend that you will need after you get retired.

Apart from the exercises, golf will allow you to wear your sports outfit.


Hiking might sound a bit of a risk but if you start with setting a goal that is just small, this will help you eventually. Hiking is excellent for weight loss, fat burning, and for losing calories. It also helps with increasing blood circulation which is an excellent way of giving your body a chance to supply oxygen and other nutrition easily.


Gardening is excellent for the bones because you are practically sitting. This will be a weight and strength training capacity. You might not be lifting any external weight but you are lifting the weight of your body.

This also means that if you have arthritis and your joints ache all the time, gardening will help you with that as well.