Yoga Weight Loss

6 Postures to lose weight and be in better shape

Article by: Adriana Smith

Are you trying to lose weight? Have you tried various ways to lose weight but there has been no success yet? Then you should try Yoga for weight loss. Yoga is a holistic way to lose weight. 

It not only increases your internal stamina of the body but also keeps you in good shape. Yoga is unlike your fad diets that cause harmful effects for weight loss. 

It helps you to lose weight naturally. Along with yoga, you can also have health supplements to maintain your weight. You can have the best HGH supplement for weight loss and immunity.

1. The Warrior Pose 

It is an easy pose that can be practiced after your stretching. You need to take the mountain pose followed by stretching one of your legs at the backside and another leg into the lunge position. 

Keep your knee at the ninety-degree position with this pose. Fold your hands and stretch it in the upward direction. Practice this simple pose five to ten times, if you want to lose weight. It also helps to make your muscles flexible. 

2. Upward Plank Pose

The upward plank may be a tough pose for all beginners. But, once you develop the right flexibility in your body, it will become easier to practice this pose. This works great for your spine, shoulders, and fortifies muscles. 

It helps to develop the core strength of your body and aids in weight loss. Sit with your stretched legs and put your hands behind hips. Point your feet and slowly raise your body upwards. Raise your body from the tailbone and pull your head back. Repeat this five times for good results. 

3. Boat Pose 

It is a simple pose that can be practiced daily for weight loss. It increases your stamina and helps you to get rid of stomach fat. Lie down on your back and then take a V-shape position that resembles a boat. 

Hold the position for good 10 seconds and then pull down. This pose helps to reduce stubborn belly fat and keeps you in good shape. 

4. Triangle Pose 

It is a great pose to get rid of body fat, it’ll help you lose weight. You can start this pose with a wide-leg stance by turning your right foot out. Stretch your arms out and push the right side of your waistline over the right leg. 

Move-in a downward position with a flat back. Your left arm should be stretched upwards while doing this. Repeat this pose five times to get results. 

5. Bridge Pose 

It is an excellent pose for weight loss and thyroid-related problems. It improves muscle strength, regulates hormonal imbalance that causes weight gain. 

You need to lie down and move your body in an upward direction by keeping your feet down. This may be a difficult pose but you can get it right with practice. Repeat this pose five to six times. 

6. Surya Namaskar

It is a sequence of 12 yoga poses that you need to do at a stretch. It maintains your body weight and increases your immune function. 

In Brief
Lose weight by practicing these amazing yoga asanas. Yoga is not only good for your physical health but also mental and emotional health.