5 Popular Natural Healing Places Around The World

Article by: Rebecca Siggers

After the vaccine of Covid-19 is out and travelling becomes safe, a lot of time must’ve gone by. Staying at home for so long must’ve gotten you feeling bored, and you would want to go out for a relaxing trip. Imagine a getaway into a relaxing hot spring or a deep blue lagoon. Isn’t that exciting? Here’s a list of getaways that will offer you the relaxation you’ve been craving for. 

  1. Hell’s Gate, New Zealand

Hell’s Gate is your dream mud spa, in a terrain surrounded by cliffs, coloured pools and volcanoes. Located in Rotorua, this geothermal attraction is a sacred site treasured by the local Maori tribe for 800 years. The mud and the sulphuric mineral water has healing properties that exfoliate and deeply cleanse your skin, leaving you feeling fresh and relaxed. 

In olden times, Maori warriors used to bathe in Hell’s Gate to rejuvenate themselves and treat their war wounds. Hell’s Gate is a healing paradise that will melt all your stress into nothingness. The hot sulphur spas and mineral-rich waters are great to treat arthritis, reduce rheumatism symptoms, improves blood circulation and skin elasticity. 

New Zealand – Rotorua

  1. Hot springs in Taipei, Taiwan

Soaking in a hot spring in the middle of the wilderness, while the birds’ chirp and all your body’s tension slowly melts away. Hold this picture in your mind, and gaze at the revitalising beauty of a hot spring in Taipei, Taiwan. Isn’t it a spitting image of your imagination?

Sulfur-rich hot springs of Beitou, a half an hour ride away from central Taipei, heal various physical pains and muscle soreness. The smell of the sulfurous water might seem pungent at first, but it still draws a lot of attention from locals and tourists alike. Almost always filled with an eager crowd wanting to relax, this location is especially crowded during the cold winter months. Beitou has a lot of public hot springs and resorts. 

It’s a perfect place to start your exploration of Taiwan’s hot spring culture. The most popular public bath, Millennium Hot Springs, is filled with springs of ranging temperatures and the hottest one sits at the top of the facility. You’d want to check out how high you can go! 

Shifen, Taipei

  1. Milky Way in Koror, Palau

Do you like playing with mud, or the idea of bathing in milk? This beautiful destination in Koror mixes both of these elements for you. In the sparking Islands of Palau lies an aquamarine lagoon that stands up to its name, Milky Way. This magical lagoon is a natural mud bath which is the excrement of a mollusc that feeds on the abundant limestone. Yes, it is just clam poop!

Don’t let that gross you out, it has various benefits. The seabed is covered with layers of creamy limestone mud that is claimed to soften your skin and leave it feeling rejuvenated. This milky clay-like mud is just a body scrub that exfoliates your skin! It is not in any way harmful. Slap on some milky mud and dive into the turquoise waters of Palau.

To enjoy a comfortable journey with ample leg space , make sure to keep all your excess luggage on the roof rack basket. They’ll give you plenty of space to make sure you don’t miss out on any travel essential while packing.


  1. Blue Lagoon in Grindavík, Iceland

Have you ever seen such a stunning place that makes you go, “This is going in my bucket list!” The steaming blue lagoons of Grindavík is one of those places. Just take a  small bus ride from Keflavik airport, and you’ll safely reach this magnificent haven.

The healing waters of this lagoon cleanse your skin and leave it glowing. With a striking landscape full of volcanic beauty, the bathers get the benefits of bathing in an unearthly yet beautiful lagoon. Grab your bathrobes, mud masks and begin your journey through a spa of the volcanic earth.

Blue Lagoon, Grindavik-Iceland

  1. Hot Springs in Denizli, Turkey

Rated as the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Pamukkale (also known as the Cotton Castle) hot springs are infamous for the abundance of carbonated water that’s left by the flowing waters. The mineral-rich waters drip gently down the mountainside and foams into the milky pools below. The beauty of this destination will leave you stunned, it’s just an otherworldly experience.

The weary are drawn to the calming beauty of the terrain and the desire to experience the relaxation this lagoon has to offer. There’s also a couple of beautiful Roman ruins you can visit nearby after a warm dip. 

The healing hot waters grant relief from diseases like asthma and arthritis. Other than that, the chalky white water also rejuvenates your body, fills you up with new energy and greatly improves blood circulation.

Provincia de Denizli


These destinations are beauties hidden deep in the arms of Mother Nature, offering ultimate relaxation that you can’t find elsewhere. They will make a lovely addition to your bucket list!

The situation isn’t nearly as fit for travelling right now though. So your trips will have to stay on hold, it’s more important to stay safe. You can not travel while worrying about catching some unwanted virus, right?

Remember to carry your masks and sanitizers even after it’s safe to travel, as a precautionary measure. For now, just kick back into your bathtub and take a nice warm bath. Just a bit of waiting, and the bathtub will be replaced by a beautiful lagoon amidst the wilderness. Stay safe, and happy travelling!

About the author: Rebecca Siggers has been closely studying the travel industry trends for some time. She takes an interest in penning down her views providing quality insight on current trends in the destination niche.