3 Quick Exercises

3 Quick Exercises to Boost Your Energy

Just by thinking of having to work out and exercise makes one already feel exhausted. Exhaustion usually happens during your first work outs. But exercise can also help you boost your energy. When you work out and exercise, your body wakes up and increases the production of your dopamine, serotonin. and endorphins, which are all energy and mood boosters. It also helps when it comes to circulation of blood in your body.

To help you start with your energy boosting exercise, we have listed 3 quick and easy exercises to boost your energy.

Rapid or Brisk Walk

The most easiest and quick exercise to boost your energy is to take a walk. Just a quick and brisk walk to the park with the right pace can easily help you boost your mood and your energy as well. Just make sure that when you walk, engage your core actively, maintain a good posture, and breathe consciously.

This will make your heart and breath rate increase making you feel more alive and energetic.

Downward Facing Dog

This exercise is actually a simple yoga posture. Stand your feet apart and bend your waist making sure that your head in is a straight line with your spine until your palms touched the floor. Your position will look like an inverted “v”. And it is okay to bend your knees. This position helps your circulation keep going and increase your energy.

But remember, this is not applicable for people with frequent headache, high blood pressure, and to a pregnant woman.


You can actually hop and jump up and down just about anywhere. It is also one of the easiest exercise you can do for your body to boost energy. And whether you would be using a jump rope, trampoline, or just as simple as hopping itself, this exercise will surely increase the production of energy levels in your body.

Try hopping at least thirty times and finish by standing for a little while with your good posture and do some slow abdominal breathing. 

Exercise can be really tiring at first, but as long as you continue to perform a consistent exercise and understand its benefits, it will surely result to a fit and healthy body and also with a lot of energy. Hopefully, the things mentioned above helped you a lot on doing your work outs and exercises.

Always remember that health is really your wealth, and an energetic body performs well a and more productively.