How To Practice Ujjayi Breath In Yoga

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Contributing Writer: Lillian Harris

Description: The word ‘Ujjayi’ means victory or victorious. Vayu is won by practicing this pranayama. Many serious diseases can be avoided through Ujjayi Kriya and Pranayama in Yoga.

Ujjayi Pranayama is a piece of Ashtanga utilized by the antiquated yogis of India. This pranayama is gotten from the Sanskrit word “ujjayi”, which intends to win or win. Let us know in detail about it.

What Is Ujjayi Pranayama?

“Ujjayi” is gotten from the Sanskrit prefixes “Ud” and “Jayi” Ujjayi, which signifies “Vijay”, “One who is successful”. In this manner, Ujjayi Pranayama signifies “successful breath”.

The word ‘Ujjayi’ means victory or victorious. Vayu is won by practicing this pranayama. Many serious diseases can be avoided through Ujjayi Kriya and Pranayama in Yoga.

By doing this asana, hot air goes inside the body, which proves to be helpful in excluding the contaminated and poisonous substances located inside the body. Through this yoga practice and pranayama, the body can be saved from many serious diseases. This yoga can be practiced in three ways -sitting, standing, and lying down.

Ujjayi Pranayama Steps:

How to do Ujjayi Pranayama, has been told here in a very simple way. You can easily do this pranayama yourself by following the method given below.

  • First of all, you sit in Padmasana or Siddhasana.
  • Keep your mouth shut.
  • Now inhale slowly with a rhythm from both the nostrils until the breath is completely filled with the lung.
  • When both the nostrils breathe, then try to make a loud sound by vibrating the thyroid part of the neck. This sound should be light and uniform.
  • While breathing, try to inflate the chest.
  • Keep breathing inside until you can stop it.
  • At that point close the correct nostril with the correct thumb and breathe out gradually from the left nostril.
  • Rather than breathing out from the left nostril, you can likewise gradually breathe out through the two nostrils.
  • It was a cycle.
  • In this way, you do 10 cycles.

When To Do Ujjayi Pranayama?

Ujjayi Pranayama is particularly useful for adjusting strain and psyche, attempt Ujjayi Pranayama at whatever point you wind up focused.

Give Ujjayi Pranayama to center a shot yoga and reflection so you can move to start with one stance then onto the next. While working out: You can likewise utilize Ujjayi when you are doing oxygen consuming activities like running or cycling.

Ujjayi Pranayama Benefits:

There are many benefits of practicing Ujjayi Pranayama. Ujjayi Pranayama makes physical and mental levels impressive. The practice of this pranayama is done by closing the mouth. Air from both nostrils should be taken slowly with some voice in such a way that touch is experienced from the throat to the heart.

In the same way, slowly exhale, to feel his touch from the heart to the throat. The practice of Ujjayi Pranayama leads to an increase in body temperature. This pranayama is considered useful for diseases like phlegm, constipation, fever, and liver.

In this pranayama, especially during contraction of the throat, compressing the respiratory tract, eliminating phlegm problems, as well as throat diseases, are removed.

See below the benefits…

  • It helps to increase your lifespan in a healthy way. It is written in the scriptures that the person who regularly practices this pranayama does not come to death too soon. With this, you can know the importance of this pranayama.
  • Ujjayi Pranayama keeps you young for a very long time and at the same time slows down your aging process.
    It is very suitable for thyroid patients. Also keeps the parathyroid present in the neck healthy.
  • Ujjayi Pranayama removes heat from the brain and makes it cold.
  • Regular practice of this can increase your digestion.
  • It removes pulse related disorders and helps in the flow of energy. 
  • It removes mucus from the throat and prevents all types of lung diseases. 
  • This is a very good pranayama for heart patients.
  • Regular practice of this pranayama protects the seeker from diseases like mucus, indigestion, dysentery, liver problems, cough, or fever.


Each asana and pranayama should be done with different types of precautions, because if you do not take precautions, there may be a vein in your body that will hurt you. Therefore, one thing should be kept in mind while performing Ujjayi Pranayama.

If you are a patient of heart disease, then you can do this pranayama without stopping breathing, and then you should not use any bandh or Bandhan in it. Because it can also harm your health rather than a benefit.

That is why you should practice this pranayama by being cautious.