Baby Steps To Your Weight-Loss

Starting your weightloss journey

Being over weight can lead to heart failure, high blood pressure, diabetes and more. Sometimes losing weight can be difficult but it does not have to be. You do not necessarily have to join any fancy programs or start any new crazy diets either. You can simply start your weight loss journey at home.

Here are some easy steps to losing weight.

Adding excise to any weight loss plan is vital. You don’t have to do any of those intense work outs or join any programs either. You can easily do any work out at home or at your local gym.

Start by walking around your neighborhood. A good mile or two walk every other day will get your blood pumping. You can also go to your local gym and walk on a treadmill for 20-30 minutes.

Another easy work out you can do is jumping jacks, sit-ups and push ups. Start by doing 15 jumping jacks, 10 sit-ups and 5 push ups. You can do this about 3-5 times or more if you would like.

Exercising does not have to be difficult or long. You can easily do these exercises after work or in the morning when you wake up.


You would not want to burn all those calories just to add them back. We don’t have to drink those weigh loss shakes in the morning or eat vegetables for every meal. Start by making healthier substitutes.

If you go out to eat a lot instead of getting those fries on the side ask for a side salad instead. Another good way to substitute is to ask for the grilled option instead of the fried. If you are getting a sandwich get the whole wheat bread instead of white. 

If you like to have snacks throughout the day don’t worry you can still have them. We all love to snack on chips but we can substitute them for a lite popcorn option or veggie chips.

Breaking Bad Habits

Some bad habits can lead to weight gain. Smoking and drinking alcohol leads to heart failure, cancers and even weight gain. Bad habits are always hard to break but you can do it. You can join programs or groups with other people with the same habits as you and as a group you can work together to get past it.

These easy steps will start you on your journey to weight loss without even leaving your home.