Exercise and Scoliosis

Two Exercises to Help Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition which is characterized by a curve in a spine. It is usually diagnosed in childhood, but in some cases, it can develop in adulthood. This condition predominantly causes aesthetic problems, like unattractive posture, or uneven shoulders. In some cases, it can cause pain.

Various types of exercise can help with scoliosis, for example, cycling, playing soccer, cross-country skiing, and swimming.

If you do not have time for these types of activities, there are numerous exercises you can do at home. Here are two of them

Pelvic Tilt

This easy exercise can be performed on any flat surface, but it is recommended to do it on a yoga mat. To perform it, lie on the ground on your back, and bend your legs at the knees. Then, raise your stomach in the air and keep this position for 10-30 seconds, depending on your core strength. Repeat this movement for 10-20 times. Make sure that your toes are pointed forward, and try to utilize your core as much as possible.

Double-Leg Abdominal Press

To perform this exercise, you have to be lying on your back on a flat surface. Then, bend your knees and lift your legs one by one in succession so that your hips and knees make a 90-degree angle. Then, lift another leg. Make sure that your legs are bent throughout the process.

After your legs are raised, push your hands towards your knees, without bending your legs. You should feel your abdominal muscles engaged. Hold this position for as long as you can, and return to the lying position. Rest for a few breaths, and then repeat this exercise for 10 times.

In conclusion, scoliosis is an unfortunate medical condition, but it can be eased with exercise. These two exercises are a perfect starting point to begin fixing the condition. Make sure to do them daily, and you will see the results.
