Practice Yoga Asanas in the Morning to Shape Your Body

by: Manmohan Singh

Yoga is a spiritual practice that helps unite a person with his/her true nature. Yoga disciplines the body, mind, and soul to achieve stability in life. Patanjali describes Yoga as quieting of the fluctuations of the mind. It brings harmony among the multiple aspects of life by creating a feeling of awareness, increased creativity, inner peace, and contentment.

Yoga is more than just asanas, it also includes other aspects of this wide system; Pranayama, meditation, chanting, selfless services, and moral values. All of these work together for a healthy and contented life.

We love pandiculating in the morning and it is our body’s way of telling us that we need to stretch and expand our muscles. Yoga practice early in the morning can help make us feel a lot more active and energetic. It can be hectic initially but eventually one would reap the benefits. Morning yoga sessions are incorporated in Yoga teacher training in India to help create a ritual that sets the mood for the day, by getting our juices flowing.

We are used to rushing and following our morning routine in a hurry. A simple and small session of yoga can help relax our mind and body, lowering the everyday hassle of snoozing the alarm and forcing ourselves out of the bed. Meditation and controlled breathing can help synchronize our body and brain, releasing pure energy and euphoria.

Let’s look at some of the benefits of practicing yoga in the morning:

  • It helps regulate sleep cycle and quality by making our body accustomed to a routine. This prepares our body to wake up at the exact time with energy and focus.
  • Certain Yoga asanas promote secretion of melatonin from pineal gland, that regulates our awake and sleep time, helping us stay more focused in daily activities.
  • Meditation and Pranayama works better than coffee/tea by increasing the oxygen intake that result in an energy boost.
  • Morning stretching opens up our tight and contracted muscles, thereby reducing achiness throughout the day.
  • It also boosts our metabolism and digestive health by regulating flow of nutrients in the body.

Here are some Yoga asanas that would help make our mornings better and get in shape:

Bitilasana(Cow pose):

This is an effective stretch for our back and spine. It helps open up the bones in the spine providing instant relief and power boost.

Instructions: Place your hands and knees on the floor, forming a tabletop position. The hands should in line with the shoulder and knees being perpendicular to the foot. Lift your head straight forward, sinking your stomach down and lifting your chest towards the ceiling. Maintain this cow-like position for 15 seconds and return to the original state.  

Vrksasana (Tree pose):

This pose helps maintain balance, strengthen legs and increase focus, making you energized and motivated.

Instructions: Stand straight with your legs slightly apart and shift your body weight to the right leg. Slowly raise your left foot and place its sole over the inner thigh of your right leg. You may also place the left foot on the inner calf of right leg, if you are new to this. Maintain balance with the right leg and bring your hands together, the way you do when we say, ‘Namaste.’

Balasana (Child’s pose):

This is a restful pose that increase the blood circulation and helps get rid of any fatigue in the body.

Instructions: Kneel down on the floor and bring your forehead to the ground while placing your chest in between your thighs. With your buttocks slightly raised, extend your arms and place them beside the head. Take a deep breath to broaden your chest and when you exhale, slowly place your buttocks on the heel your heels and feel the chest contracting. Maintain this pose for 5-10 breaths and concentrate on the expanding and contracting chest.

Uttanasana (Standing forward bend):

This asanas helps relax your neck, back and hamstrings giving you the perfect energy to kick start your day.

Instructions: Stand straight with your feet slightly apart. Take a deep breath and lengthen your spine while pushing your body up. As you exhale, bend forward, moving your head slowly towards your feet, without bending your knees. Maintain this pose for 5-10 breaths and feel the blood flowing throughout your body and mind.

Halasana (Plow pose):

Halasana increases circulation in your thyroid, adrenal, and, pituitary glands. This helps get rid of sleepiness by releasing good hormones.

Instructions: Lay down on your back with arms on the sides. Inhale and slowly lift your legs and bring them above your head. Lifting your lower back, push your legs further ahead and touch them on the ground without bending your knees. Hold for 30 seconds and slowly return to original position.

Dhanurasana (Bow pose):

This fierce pose boosts energy and works on the core muscles, increasing the metabolism

Instructions: Lie in supine position, with hands on the side. Bend your knees and raise your feet and use your hands to hold the ankles. Lift the heels up and push away from the body which would automatically pull the torso up, keeping your balance on the core muscles. Do not stress your shoulder blades and keep them relaxed and down. Maintain this pose for 30 seconds and release. Repeat for 2-3 times more for good results.

Utkatasana (Chair pose):

This is a great pose to generate heat and build energy for the rest of your day. It works on the core muscles and legs, stimulating our heart and the diaphragm.

Instructions: Stand straight raising your arm parallel to each other and perpendicular to the floor. Slowly bend your knees, while exhaling, and make your thighs slightly parallel to the floor. Firm your back, as if you’re sitting on a chair while maintaining a good balance. Try to maintain this posture for as long as you can and exhale as you release the pose.

Practice yoga regularly and get up on the right side of the bed daily!

Author Bio :Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveler in India. He organizes 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. Manmohan Singh conducts Ayurveda Courses in India in different cities. He loves writing and reading books related to yoga, health, nature, Himalayas and Trekking in India.

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