Threatened With A Potential Stroke, Marc Changed Immediately

It is now just over 18 months (at the time of this article) after having had the initial diagnosis.

Marc having gone through his experience then, changed his lifestyle and is now able to enjoy and live his life a bit more optimally. Marc who is in his mid-50’s shared with us how he was not as fit as he was today. In fact he stated that his blood pressure (BP) reading was just about 140/100 mmHg, which is on the higher extreme of the ideal range. This is what then triggered him to get up and do something about his lifestyle back then.

What Is Normal? – The Normal BP is usually seen as the range between 90/60 mmHg and 120/80 mmHg, especially for persons like Marc who is considered middle-aged. However because of Marc’s reading being on the higher extreme, he was then seen to be smack dab into Stage One of high blood pressure. Had he not made immediate changes to his lifestyle, Marc would have easily gone into Stage Two and Three of high BP and well on the pathway to a stroke.

What Happened?

Marc at the time thought he was just a bit stressed. After all, he said that he only gain a little weight, and who doesn’t at this age huh? This was with a body weight of just a bit over 240 lbs, and along with this was the inability to even sit and tie his shoe laces. Having feeling a bit awry, he visited his medical doctor who immediately alerted Marc that he needed to immediately make a change in his lifestyle. When he enquired as to what could possibly happen, his doctor told him that on this path he could be headed for a stroke.

His doctor also told him that the physical effects and changes of a stroke can include:

  • Increased fatigue or tiredness
  • Significant and sudden mood changes and anxiety
  • Depression
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Incontinence
  • Changes in thinking process and memory

These were just a few that his doctor mentioned to him. Having heard this from his doctor, Marc got into action.

Here’s What He Did

Marc was adamant that he did not want to go onto any medication. So what did he do? He said that part of it was to make a decision mentally and determine that he was going to get better. His mindset was that he saw himself already better and fitter and slimmer and enjoying his new life. This new mindset and personality with the help of some friends, acted in dictating the actions to be taken to achieve and sustain his success.

Additionally his behaviour was now influenced by the new mindset, which was now his arsenal to control his life’s direction.

Walking – Sightseeing – Hiking

The power of having the right circle of friends with you.

This group of friends pushed Marc to try out for their walking and hiking tours. Initially he went on just one per week, and then after that first 3-month period, he inceased his walking and hiking to at least three times per week. Some hikes were on the weekends and then he gradually expanded into the night-time treks. Marc said, that along with enjoying the beauty of the night-lights and the moonlight, the night hikes gave a different perspective on the terrain.

Additionally the sunrise hikes added the awesome beauty at no cost.

Meanwhile he was able to tackle his blood pressure challenge through the use of movement and that movement was not boring. At times says Marc, the terrain was not the most straight forward, as there were times he had to literally get onto his knees and crawl through spaces, while at other times navigating some spaces meant that he had to exert his various muscle groups in order to make it and keep up.

Change In Diet

Along with the change in mindset and the added exercise drive, there was an added change which Marc did. He increased the ratio of fruit and vegetables in his diet, as compared to pasta and rice. The foods which had any added sugar and salt content outside of what was naturally occurring were reduced or even eliminated in many cases.

Marc also indicated that at times when he felt the need to snack or get a quick treat, he drank water instead.

There was also some guidance of a dietitian to ensure that his body still received the right amounts of nutrients from the various food groups, tailored to his body structure while working through his overall goal. The dietition taught Marc how to read nutrition labels and also to create his own meal plan. This enabled him to pair his diet to sustainably fit into his new lifestyle.

Did It Work?

As of today, Marc has lost weight.

On his recent visit to his medical doctor, he has the ideal blood pressure of 117/70 mmHG. His doctor commended him on his journey particularly with the path that Marc took. Of course Marc said it wasn’t always easy – and thought at some points to pop a few pills and make the course easier, but with his friends and his determination decided against the meds.

With this 18-month trek as well, Marc looks a lot fitter and has the enhanced physical appearance to show off as well.

He even states that he looks and feels just about 10 years younger, and ready to capture more of this life again.

What’s Your Journey?