NAD + Boosters – The Current Luxury Wellness Trend

NAD + boosters are supplements that have gained popularity in the field of luxury wellness due to their potential for improving overall health and their ability to prevent aging. The supplements have attracted widespread interest in the world of luxury wellness due to positive endorsements from biohackers and celebrities. In this article, we will explore what these supplements are, how they work, what they treat, and the pros and cons of NAD + boosters. 

What are NAD + Boosters?

NAD + is the short form for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, which is a coenzyme found in living cells. NAD + are essential for numerous cellular processes, such as DNA repair, energy metabolism, and increased cellular function. NAD+ boosters are designed to improve NAD + levels in the body to enhance energy production, slow down aging, and boost natural repair mechanisms. 

As such, these boosters are given usually as an intravenous (IV) infusion. This may be given to the patient or client as multiple infusions over several days and for several hours at a time. For convenience a pill containing NAD+ boosters or one of its precursors can also be taken. 

What Do NAD + Boosters Do or Treat?

Boost Cellular Energy Production 

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is vital for the function of mitochondria, which produce cellular energy. NAD + boosters improve the function of the mitochondria and increase cellular energy production, which help boost physical performance and lower fatigue. 

Promote DNA Repair 

Over time, our DNA gets damaged due to internal and external factors, such as the natural aging process, radiation, and environmental strain. NAD + boosters increase the levels of NAD+ levels in the body, which boost DNA repair mechanisms, which can lead to genome stability and lower the risk of diseases associated with aging. 

Can NAD + Boosters Slow Aging?

Scientific research suggests that NAD + boosters have the potential to slow down the aging process in humans. Some research works have shown benefits like enhanced muscle strength, better cardiovascular health and improved cognitive function, all of which are affected by the aging process. The supplements also enhance the overall health and lower the risk of diseases associated with aging. These benefits prove NAD + boosters can really slow down the aging process in human beings. 

Pros of NAD + Boosters 

Enhanced Energy Levels 

Users of the supplements have reported experiencing reduced fatigue and more energy once they take NAD + boosters. High levels of NAD + increases cellular energy production by improving the functioning of the mitochondria. 

Improved Cognitive Function 

NAD + is crucial for brain health, which is key to enhanced cognitive function. Taking a NAD + supplement on a regular basis can improve your memory, focus, and cognitive function. NAD + boosters are very beneficial for older individuals experiencing cognitive decline and memory loss due to aging. 

Anti-Aging Effects 

NAD + boosters have shown the potential to slow down the natural aging process and to lower the risk of health conditions associated with aging. 

Cons of NAD+ Boosters


High-quality NAD + boosters are expensive, which can make them inaccessible to many people. 

Limited Scientific Evidence

More scientific research with human subjects and extensive clinical trials are required to fully evaluate the safety and efficacy of NAD + boosters. As the research is still continuing, it is key that persons approach the use of these supplements carefully. The human clinical studies of the NAD+ precursors are safe but within doctor recommended dosages. Be mindful that these supplements work at the cellular level and NAD+ homeostasis is complex, and the altering of these levels can have both anti-cancer and pro-cancer effects.

In other words, the same way that NAD+ assists the function of normal cells, it can also enhance the survival and functioning of any existing cancer cells as well. 

Side Effects

Prolonged use of the supplements can result in potential side effects such as allergic reactions and flushing. 


NAD + boosters are a promising development in the field of luxury wellness due to their potential to improve cognitive function, boost energy production, and anti-aging properties. However, the supplements have their pros and cons that should be considered before making a decision. It is also important that the effective results may be specific to the individual.

Some persons may feel and see some enhancement in a week or two and others may take a bit more time based on their specific health. Therefore your general health and the current levels of NAD+ may impact the rate of results.