Try The Malasana in Yoga

Malasana pose: multiple benefits

Yoga is a traditional discipline that seeks for each individual to achieve physical, spiritual, mental and emotional balance through different postures and exercises. Within the practice of Yoga there is the MALASANA POSE, which is especially useful for women’s health.

This posture favors pregnancy and childbirth, so that the woman lives it in the most natural and harmonious way possible. From the mental point of view, the malasana pose favors careful thinking and concentration for study. This pose is also very effective to improve sexual life, as it increases blood flow to the pelvic area.

Getting to know the Malasana pose

To begin to know the malasana pose, you must know how to practice it to obtain its benefits. To do this, simply take your shoes off and stand on a mat.

  • Bend down to the floor
  • Open your knees
  • Place your elbows inside your knees
  • Press the palms of your hands against each other
  • At the same time, lengthen your spine as much as possible
  • Then stay in this position for a few seconds

At this point in time – you must allow yourself to be receptive to the physical sensations. Here our body will in some instance feel areas of our body that have not been stretch for a bit, become sensitised. This pose directly benefits your Chakra 1, your connection with the earthly world.

It also directly benefits your Chakra 2, which regulates your sexual intimacy.

Pregnant women

The Malasana pose improves the quality of a pregnancy and promotes a harmonious delivery for both mother and baby.

This pose works on the opening of the hips, which is essential for a natural and balanced birth. In addition, it strengthens the muscles of the pelvic area, making pregnancy and childbirth as smooth as possible. The Malasana pose stabilizes your body posture, keeping you upright and flexible at the same time. This pose also promotes metabolism and good digestion. This makes your physical recovery from pregnancy faster, as this pose strengthens your lower back.

Maybe consider this for lower back pain as well…

Healthy sexuality

Surprising as it may seem, the MALASANA POSE benefits the sexual intimacy of both women and men. This posture promotes blood circulation and oxygenates your internal organs. This Yoga pose unblocks your mind and the natural flow of your sexual energy, allowing your intimacy to develop harmoniously with your partner.

That means you will have better orgasms, easily achieve an erection, boost your libido and best of all you will have a great awareness of your own body. In the long run, that allows you to control more of your body functions and thus develop a more satisfying sexual intimacy.