Weak Lungs – Tracheomalacia? Workout Ideas For Fitness

Tracheomalacia: Fitness ideas for a healthy lifestyle

TRACHEOMALACIA is a chronic respiratory disease that manifests itself through flaccidity and weakness of the airways. The patient acquires it as a baby, a few days after birth. TRACHEOMALACIA expresses itself through noisy, difficult breathing and a lot of coughing. This disease can also be a symptom of more serious diseases, depending on the particular case.

During childhood, those with TRACHEOMALACIA tend to suffer more from colds and flus than others. This disease is resolved through surgical interventions of varying complexity. The patient can also opt for a treatment in order to lead a normal life.

However, fitness can greatly improve the quality of life of someone suffering from this disease.

Low-impact activities

Those who suffer from TRACHEOMALACIA can carry out a routine of physical activity to improve their condition. The key is to choose low-impact exercises that do not produce extreme tiredness or any type of anxiety related to competitive activities.

Those suffering from TRACHEOMALACIA can exercise every day through these activities:

  • walking
  • swimming
  • biking
  • going up and down stairs slowly

It is also advisable to do exercises with little weight to tone the muscles. These exercises relax the mind and avoid the overweight generated by a sedentary lifestyle.

More challenges

Those suffering from TRACHEOMALACIA can practice sports such as golf, which requires a large concentration. This sport develops the control of negative emotions, which favors self-confidence. Other highly beneficial activities are Yoga and Pilates, which work the breathing, body and mood of individuals. Both disciplines control weight, promote muscle flexibility and improve body posture. It is recommended to practice any of these activities at least three hours a week to notice positive changes.

There are different levels of Yoga and Pilates, which range from beginners to advanced. It is necessary the guidance of a specialized instructor to do the exercises correctly.

Proper nutrition

Those with TRACHEOMALACIA should follow a balanced diet to stay at a healthy weight so that their body has all the nutrients it needs. It is highly recommended to consume foods containing antioxidants to avoid harmful action of free radicals.

For example: cereals, fish, nuts, lettuce, arugula, carrots, pumpkins, watermelon and tomatoes.

It is also advisable to take vitamnin B5 through foods such as eggs, salmon, liver, brown rice, legumes and mushrooms. Those who have TRACHEOMALACIA should avoid eating treats, fats and fried foods. Junk food worsens their breathing deficiencies, so it’s best to choose healthy snacks like fruits and cereal bars.