4 Positive Changes You Can Make Today To Prioritise Your Health

Article by: Daisy Moss

If you’re wanting to make some positive changes for your health but aren’t sure where to start, you’re in the right place. We’re here with 4 things you can do today to make a positive change, without it impacting your current routine or it feeling like an overwhelming change.

When it comes to becoming healthier, often people will try and change everything at once that isn’t sustainable, so instead, follow these tips and you’re much more likely to stick to a healthy lifestyle! 

Eat More Fruit and Veg

The first thing you should do is to eat more fruit and veg.

Rather than cutting everything out, instead, focus on adding some healthy things to your diet! Fruit and veg are absolutely packed with fantastic vitamins and minerals that give us energy and help all of our vital bodily functions to work properly.

They’re also high in fibre, which helps our digestive system to work properly and increases our metabolism, which then has a positive impact on so many areas of our life, as well as reducing our risk of a variety of serious diseases. So, add a couple of different vegetables to your plate for lunch, sprinkle your porridge with some fruit or start your day with a smoothie! 

Move Your Body! 

Next, move your body. Changing your activity level completely and going from a couple of workouts a week up to 5 or 6 just isn’t sustainable for the majority of people, so instead, focus on doing something today to move your body and feel good.

This isn’t about looking a certain way or burning a certain amount of calories, but instead, stretching out our muscles, improving heart health and looking after our mental health. So, if you hate running or lifting weights, get creative. Maybe go for a nice countryside walk with a friend or to a yoga class. Perhaps you try a fun new fitness class you’ve been wanting to go to, or you join a sports club.

Exercise doesn’t just look a certain way, so focus on something that makes your mind and body feel good. 

Book In Health Checkups

If you’ve been putting off getting your health checkups booked in, this is your sign to finally get it sorted. Whether you’ve not been to see your dentist in Solihull recently, or you’ve been putting off your eye test in London, just spend 10 minutes calling each place up and getting yourself booked in.

Going to see your dentist every 6 months is so important, as dental issues can arise without any symptoms and get quite serious by the time you start to feel pain.

Our oral health impacts all elements of our lives, so you should make it a priority. You should also go to have an eye test every 2 years, as your eyesight can deteriorate without you noticing, and they can also identify more serious issues early on. You should also have regular blood tests, as again, potential issues can be flagged early to make treatments more straightforward. Just get your appointment booked in and you’ll feel much better with peace of mind. 

Get 8 Hours Of Sleep 

Last but not least, make sure you get 8 hours of sleep. Sleep is absolutely vital to helping us feel strong mentally and physically.

It gives our body and brain time to recover, it provides us with energy, mental focus and generally you’ll feel completely different if you get 8 hours sleep compared to 5 or 6. So, get into bed an hour or two earlier, get a good night’s sleep and we’re sure that within a week, your quality of life will feel really different.

About The Author: 
Daisy Moss, is a yoga loving writer who specialises in women’s health, nutrition, fitness wellness and lifestyle. She can be found often enjoying a spin class or even making her famous protein brownies.