Having A Tantric Massage?

3 – Benefits of Having a Tantric Massage…

It is generally known that what may be considered as a normal massage such as a Deep Tissue or Hot Stone Massage will make you feel good. However with some persons having experienced the Tantric Massage, they acknowledge that this type of experience will make you feel even better generally.

What is a Tantric Massage?

This is a ritual taught in Tantra, found in sacred esoteric books, which also leads to a form of Hinduism. It is heavily influenced by ancient traditions from Indian and Chinese times. Further to this – it is also in line with the teachings of Tantric Massage Singapore sexuality and can be also considered as a subtle love exchange.

To further define this type of massage, it involves movement and connections between several areas of the body and the key touch of the seven chakras or energy points.

At times the kneading movements, and light pressure as well as the effleurage are soft and slow. This is sometimes to the point that the subject may find it a bit difficult to track the movement mentally at times. Tantric massage can be given to both men and women. A tantra massage to a male is called a Lingam Massage Singapore while that to a woman is called a Yoni Massage Singapore.

The Benefits

If you are wondering whether the tantric massage has any health benefits, then the answer to your question is yes.

This massage comes with a few health benefits, and in some countries it is quite popular that it may be done either within a spa or office as an outcall. Unlike most other forms of massage, the tantric massage does not have restricted zones. Therefore, it may also contribute to sexual pleasures. Hence, during a tantric massage, your senses will not only awaken but your sexual energy will be channelled and stimulated in a good way. This massage can be done to both men and women.


Therefore, tantric massage can help you relax. Throughout the massage services, breathing is essential. That is – deep breathing with a relaxed diaphragm, and little to no shoulder movement while breathing. This also allows you to gain an enhanced sensation of touch, and as a first goal of body awareness that is beyond the control of the mind and pre-programmed behaviour of daily life.

Improves your sex drive

There are no restrictions as to when you can go for a tantric massage. However, if you are suffering from sexual blockages such as erectile dysfunction, this may be one of the alternative pathways which may be considered. Having in mind that it does not have any restricted zones, this massage may also derive sexual pleasures.

The masseuses will be able to identify and unlock these energy blockages which can also lead to solving some issues such as erectile dysfunction. There is also no doubt the spirituality, where the sensual element of the message, along with the oils and the right type of relaxed atmosphere can help persons connect with their sexual spirituality and also allows them to let go when it comes to that part of their personality. This also enhances the subject’s orgasm potential.

Also, it helps you to channel your sexual energy properly hence, enhancing your orgasm potential. Having in mind that tantric massage stimulates you both physically and emotionally, it helps you to rediscover your sexual desires and fantasies.

Helps in relieving pain

Sometimes you may experience back or muscle pains. This is mainly brought about by the tension or the soreness in your muscles. Tantric massage is very efficient in removing this tension. The masseuse is able to identify and apply pressure and this can ease any pain issue or pressure points that may be occurring. The pain now goes as a result of ease in muscle tension, tension which may have been caused by repetitive action or habits.

Boosts your immune system

For you to have a strong immune system your body need to be undergoing a normal metabolic activity. Therefore, your blood needs to be flowing properly. Tantric massage helps to boost your blood circulation. This is due to the fact that the pressure created when having the massage helps the blood to circulate through the congested parts of your body. Research shows that tantric massage also boosts the rate at which your body produces the white blood cell. Therefore, it plays a very crucial role in boosting your immune system. There are also niches that there are specialties for example the Singapore massage.